Catholic homeschooling is a homeschooling method designed to incorporate Catholic belief into the lessons that are taught. It isn't very different from Christian or Secular homeschooling. Both of these other homeschooling methods also integrate a doctrinal program.
If you are thinking about choosing a Catholic homeschooling program, there are a couple of different plans that use a Catholic technique. Here is a brief overview of a few of them:
Charlotte Mason Homeschooling
Charlotte Mason was a British educator known for her work in encouraging the use of literature instead of textbooks. She is often thought as the founder of homeschooling. Instead of the rigorous memorization mandated during her time, Mason's theories held on the idea of helping a child learn to love learning.
Many Catholic homeschooling parents use the Charlotte Mason method because her concepts relate to the home environment. She encouraged well-written literature that captivated a child's imagination. Mason supported an effective reading program that used "whole book" ideas. She also incorporated narration.
Classical Homeschooling
This homeschooling method is also highly used among Catholic homeschooling families. The theory behind the Classic method involves adjusting the instruction to the mental development of the child. For example, you would use a different teaching method to teach a six year old than you would a teenager.
For that reason, three programs of teaching are used through a child's education as they develop mentally: the Trivium, Analytical, and Abstract.
Montessori Avenue
This type of education usually used by Catholic homeschooling families was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. Her theory of education relies on the challenges of everyday life, or the conditions that a child is raised in. This educational model allows a child to manipulate their setting and learn from it.
If you are interested in Catholic homeschooling, these are just a few of the programs commonly used. It is a good idea, however, to research these programs and learn a little bit more about them to see if one of them would work better for you and your family's needs.
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Discover How to Raise Your Child to Be a True Leader with Our Classical Christian-based Leadership Program. Great for Homeschoolers and Other Parents Who Want to Make Sure their Child Gets the Best Leadership Training Possible.
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