If you are home schooling, you are already facing an uphill struggle. In order to teach your children, you need to master all subjects to the point of being able to teach it coherently. Now you need to master algebra. It just doesn't seem fair does it? There is no need to panic, even if you didn't do well in algebra when you were in school, there are books out there that will help you teach algebra to your kids.
Algebra is the basic building block for trigonometry, calculus and other advanced math and science classes. If you want your children to excel in college, you need to ensure that they have a good understanding of algebra.
Like most subjects that you are home schooling, algebra builds upon each lesson. Therefore, it is important that you children master each lesson before they proceed to the next one. One of the best methods to ensure they have learned the basic concepts is by working practice problems. This ensures they understand how the problems are solved, and gives them confidence that they can solve other similar problems.
One of the most important things about algebra, it teaches a systematic and logical approach to solving problems. This is important regardless of what career field your children choose to enter. You need to determine what the known and unknown variables are and how they relate to each other. Then you systematically resolve the problem, one step at a time, until you have the solution.
Algebra is obviously vital for understanding science and engineering, but is it useful for any other things. If your child is not interested in being an engineer or an architect, but if they want to go into business, is algebra something that will help them? The answer is a resounding yes.
First off, if you want to get a college degree, you will need to take college algebra. Second, (and more importantly) algebra does teach how to systematically solve problems. This is useful no matter what your occupation will be.
Again, if algebra was not your best subject in school, and now you are trying to home school your children, don't panic. There are numerous great text books available to help you in your quest. Remember, take it in small steps and you, and your children, will do fine.
Author Info:
When you home schooling, learning from algebra books can be extremely intimidating. At http://www.algebra4fun.com you can find information that will help you learn algebra and teach it to your children.
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