What Are The Benefits Of Homeschooling

Why would a parent chose to send home school their kids opposed to sending them to a public school? Well their are many advantages to teaching your kids at home and some experts even feel that it is actually better for the children to be instructed by the parents. In the next few paragraphs this article will touch on a few of the benefits of homeschooling your kids.

First and foremost homeschooling allows parents to teach religious beliefs to their children, something that is not taught at all in public schools. This is great asset to families that want to bring their children up with a certain set of morals and values. Molding a childs core beliefs is one of the main reasons parent chose to instruct their kids in the home. You will also have full control over what and when your child learns. This is very important to many parents who feel that a public school fails to explore certain topics correctly.

Another great benefit of home study is that the family can actually be drawn closer together and relationships in the family strengthened because the teaching of the child becomes a family activity. Simple activities can bring the family closer and teach children at the same time and the bonds between parent and child are strengthened when the child and the parent spend time learning and solving problems together. Constant learning can also include siblings and other extended family members engaging the childs mind as well.

Stress from classroom competition or feelings of inadequacy are mostly eliminated when a child is taught in the home. No longer does the child have to feel scared or ashamed if they do not understand the lesson. They will also not feel as if they are competing with the rest of the class or be afraid to ask additional questions about the study topic. Because of this many home schooled kids often will explore a topic or subject much more then a public schooled child.

As a parent who teaches at home you will no longer have to worry about whether our child is being taught adequately or if the curriculum suits their learning style and your families values. After all as a a parent no one knows better then you whats best for your child and your family.

Author Info:

Learn more about Home Schooling Kids and get great tips on How To Home School by visiting http://www.whyhomeschoolkids.com

Home Schooling Of High School Through the Internet

At any age home schooling is a huge responsibility. In Home schooling you are the teacher as well as the parent. Additionally you are required to follow the stringent regulations too. At the time when the child has reached high school level it's a whole new ball game for home schooling.

When the child has reached a high school level and still want to home school him/her then it becomes imperative that you not only have complete state regulation for graduation knowledge what kind of education places the child will seek to go to and also start gathering high school info for such colleges.

The other thing that you must keep in your mind is that even if you attain state graduation standards, a large number of colleges do not accept a high school diploma issued by a home school until it comes in the form of an recognized high school. And forget that your home school high school will have become an accredited one till the child becomes a graduate, therefore have one these following plans: grab a GED, the child can have a GED taken soon after local high school graduation is over; you also join an home school high school program via internet that's credited.

A diploma via internet school is equivalent to a school that privately run,, or then what better if you can find a college that accepts home schoolers, and there is no dirt of such colleges (e.g. Yale & Harvard). Miki Colfax has written a few books that might prove to be helpful to source information. His kids were home schooled. Of the two, one graduated from Yale while the other from Harvard. The question here is can this be the same for others as well.

Internet home schools are galore, good and bad both so I would really be stressed finding the right one that give me good value as well as teaching skills that make sense. Not all parents are like the Colfax's and frankly the best favor you could do for the kid is to help make the progress to college trouble free. GED is any easy test for even those with just average high school grades yet some have reservations about GED. When employment comes into the picture a diploma from home school high school is proof enough that high school education has been attained.

What about Internet schooling? Internet makes students follow proper timetable scheduling. There is the added benefit of audio-visual classroom and interaction with teachers too. This system gains high importance when tough courses likes math, AP courses or physics are taught. Parents however good cannot teach every subject with the same degree of that of a specialized teacher.

If you desire you have a recognized high school syllabus for the kid then Internet does make good sense. Development of a good syllabus is really a tough job while home schooling. How do you start is another question! Try Grace Academy if you like Christian style education. edanywhere.com is also recommended, its home schooling high school syllabus is affordable.

Your child's future lays in your hands and if home schooling of high school via Internet is your pick them just make sure you have a good idea of it so that every is just as you thought it would be.

Author Info:

Discover how federal law on home schooling may affect your kids homeschooling and join "free homeschooling supplies for my kid" program at http://www.homeschoolingfordummy.com

What You Should Know About Homeschool Reviews

I read many different homeschool reviews before I made the decision to homeschool my children. It was by reading about different parents' experiences that helped me see the freedom you have when you can expand your child's curriculum beyond the four to five mandatory core subjects.

One of the more interesting homeschool reviews I read focused on a mother who blended a home-based business with her child's education.

As she reflected on her homeschooling experience, she said that her child was intellectually well-rounded thanks to this learning. She believed it helped give her child the skills need to thrive in an ever-changing economy.

Job security is becoming extinct, though for years people commonly expected to get a job right after completing college or trade school. It was generally expect that once you got the job, you would stay there. This hasn't been true for most people in this modern age.

When I read the homeschool reviews, I learned that this type of education was being used by parents to help their children learn as much as possible.

In a homeschool setting, parents strive not only to give their children the best education, they also want their children to be confident and successful.

Most children aren't exposed to business courses in public or private schools, and they certainly aren't taught what it takes to start one. This homeschooling mother knew that fact.

If you're a mom who wants to homeschool and work from home, these are achievable goals. You could actually run your business even more efficiently if your children help. You can teach them how to start up and run their own businesses.

This was truly interesting. Imagine not only earning extra money through your home-based business, but watching as your child saves up for his or her future.

The extra money is nice, but the lessons your child will learn along the way will be invaluable. Your child will learn how to budget money, learn the ins and outs of business taxation, understand how advertising works, and know how to assign tasks to others helping out with the project.

All of these lessons will give your children the skills for building their own financial security, skills that will be with them forever.

Without those homeschool reviews, I never would have thought of combining homeschooling with teaching a child to run a business. Your child could come up with a great product, a solution, or a marketing idea that takes off. It's a great way to help your child understand the free market economy.

You might have your child do research for a product and see what kind of marketing strategies they develop. Your child could also read up on the competition.

I concur with the homeschooling mother who learned that creating and running a business from home is a great way to supplement homeschool curriculum.

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Discover How to Raise Your Child to Be a True Leader with Our Classical Christian-based Leadership Program. Great for Homeschoolers and Other Parents Who Want to Make Sure their Child Gets the Best Leadership Training Possible.

Are My Children Safe in Public School? Is Home School Better?

With all of the recent news of violence, high drop-out rates and low test scores around the country, more and more parents are considering home school which has long been a controversial topic. Public schools want you to think that they are the only valid educational choice. Private schools are expensive. On the other hand, parents who teach their children at home will tell you it is the best decision they ever made. So which one is right for you and your child? How do you decide?

You decide by educating yourself first. You will find that there is a wealth of information about home education online to help you decide and get your home-based classroom started. Online resources are readily available for every child at any age, any grade level and any learning style. I have even found an online expo, an exciting internet-based homeschool convention, to help you explore the possibilities, find resources and networking opportunities.

Home school can sound daunting to the parent considering it for the first time. Most parents who teach their children at home do so because of their strong family values and/or their Christian values. Others feel strongly that the public schools are not the place where they want to send their children every day for any number of reasons. The online expo, which I will discuss further on my blog, is a wonderful opportunity for you to discover the possibilities that await you and your child in the exciting adventure of home school. The host of this internet convention is concerned about passing on family and Christian values through the process of home education - and helping you to do it well!

There are many advantages of educating your child at home, as you will discover as you begin your journey. One of the biggest benefits is that homeschooling is a lifestyle that encompasses your entire family and even your extended family. You will find that your children will learn when they are interested - at any age. As a parent of a toddler or pre-schooler, you most likely provided your little one with educational toys and books and environments. Home school for a school-age child works the same way - you provide the opportunity and they WILL want to learn. There are so many resources online for educating your child at home that you will never run out of ideas or material. Your children will never run out of things to explore and learn!

In my research online, I have found many sites that afford amazing educational resources and opportunities for children, parents and teachers to explore math, science, art, history or any other subject of interest. I found virtual tours of places such as the cockpit of a space shuttle or a pyramid. There are sites for math drills and tutoring, art museums to explore, and much, much more. None of this was available when I was teaching my own children [now adults] at home. Truly the world of learning is at your fingertips!

In the process of homeschooling, you will find that the most important things your children learn are not from a book. The most important things are the ones they learn from you - honesty and integrity, kindness and gentleness, socialization, a good work ethic, a hunger to explore their world and their community, and a love for learning. Proponents of public education will try to tell you that a home school child is not being properly socialized if he or she is not in a classroom with peers all day long for five days a week. Consider, however, what the word, socialization, means. Socialization is learning how to act appropriately in various social situations. Who is better equipped to teach this to your child? Another child who has not yet learned appropriate behavior? Or you? Children are best socialized by their parents and others who love them and will help them learn appropriate behaviors in various situations. Homeschooling provides children with many wonderful opportunities to learn and practice their social skills as you interact with them in the real world.

There are so many wonderful resources online that I know you will enjoy the opportunity to explore the concept of home school further as you weigh your educational choices for your own children.

Author Info:

You can teach with excellence! Want to know how?

Diana Kirsch


College Writing Styles - Is Your Teen Ready?

Are you wasting time teaching your teens writing styles they will never need after high school?

The persuasive essay format, which most of us learned as the five-paragraph essay, may well be the only writing style students will use in college or on the job. Unless they major in English, students will not need to

  • Write about their personal feelings.
  • Write personal narratives.
  • Write any imaginative work, such as stories or poems.

Most college instructors are not interested in students' feelings, only in their thinking. Specifically, college faculty want to see that

  • Students have read and understood the literature of the discipline.
  • Students can use the terms, concepts, thought processes, and procedures of the discipline they are studying.
  • Students are developing opinions about the discipline they are studying.
  • Students can articulate reasons for their opinions.
  • Students have evidence from reputable sources to support their opinions.

Almost every writing skill students must know for college work can be mastered by ordinary youngsters without an ounce of talent or interest in writing. Focusing just on required writing skills takes some of the hassle out to trying to teach unmotivated, struggling, and resistant writers.

Some students you thought (perhaps correctly) had no talent for writing may even develop an interest in creative writing after they see they can master the basics.

Students who have interest, motivation, or talent are not stuck writing five-paragraph essays all their lives. Competent writing is a foundation, not an millstone.

Make sure your students have a solid foundation and turn them loose. You cannot do any harm by sticking to the basics, and you may do a great deal of good. You will certainly make your teaching task simpler.

Author Info:

Linda Aragoni is a writer, writing teacher, and editor of You-Can-Teach-Writing.com, the guide to enabling students grades 7-12 to become competent writers. Get a free copy of all five articles in the series "Is Your Teen Ready for College Writing? just by signing up for Linda's free monthly ezine by Aug. 1, 2008. Details at http://www.you-can-teach-writing.com/ezine.html

Copyright 2008, Linda Gorton Aragoni. You may reprint this article provided the whole text, the author's name, the links, and this copyright notice remain intact.

Teaching Children Grade Level Sight Words Successfully

Home schooling parents can easily teach children grade level sight words at home. It's all in the game. That is, just make it a game!

Back in 1936, a fellow named E.W. Dolch developed the Basic Sight Word Vocabulary List. This list of Sight Words has been updated several times over the years to include new words. The Dolch words are unlike regular words in that they many cannot be taught phonetically or sounded out as they do not follow our decoding rules. That is why they are called "Sight Words" or "Frequency Words". Children must learn to recognize AND spell them by sight.

Just perform a search on any search engine using the keywords, "Dolch Sight Words". You will see that there is a Dolch list for levels Pre-primer through 3rd grade. Select the appropriate grade level that your child is in and print out only that list to start with. For example, below is the list for 1st graders.

after again an any as ask by could every fly from give giving

had has her him his how just know let live may of

old once open over put round some stop take thank them then think
walk were when

Now, read the following scenario as an example of a game to play with children using the 1st grade Dolch Sight Word list.

Show the list to the 1st grade child and ask, "Do you know any of these words"? Take your time and just look through them for a minute. Give the child plenty of time to look the word list over. 1st grade children should be able to read some of the words after just looking at the list. Now for those words children do not know, play a game. Write down the unknown words on another piece of paper. Then, take the child with you and go outside for a walk, grocery shopping, visiting friends, or to run an errand of any sort. As you are walking around comment on various objects, animals or people.

Mother: Look son, do you see that old house? It is very old, isn't it?

Child: Yes, mother. I wonder what it looks like inside.

Mother: We just used one of our words on the list, "old". Can you find it for me and circle it?

The child then looks for the word on the list and circles it. BINGO!

Mother: YEAH!!! GOOD job!! Wow, you found that word fast.

Mother: Let's thank the kind man for helping us with our shopping. Oops! I think we just used another one of our words! Can you find the word, "thank" on our list and circle it please?
As you can see, it is super easy to play games that encourage children to learn. When parents get excited about learning and show enthusiasm, children also get excited about learning. Quality time parents spend teaching their children through games and activities tend to remain in long term memory for both parent and child.

Sight Words are very important for children to learn. Remember, they are not like most other words that can be decoded.

Why not make learning fun by incorporating games and activities that encourage children to learn? Children are much more inclined to play a game than to specifically study one concept that they view as unimportant or dull. Of course, this game can be used with any grade level on the Dolch Sight Word lists.

Please visit our teaching website to find more ideas about using games to teach children. The active whiteboard provides endless opportunities for children to practice reading, writing and spelling words and sentences. Reading and writing activities must be fun and interactive for children to stay interested in learning. At www.childfont.com all learning is interactive.

Author Info:

Teaching Children Grade Level Sight Words Successfully
Brenda Geier, K-12 Reading Specialist

Brenda Geier
K-12 Educator/K-12 Reading Specialist
Farlington, Kansas
United States

21st Century Home Schooling - 7 Survival Tips for Parents of Home School Students

Surviving does sound a little dramatic I guess. However when you look at all the educational stimulus offered to us on a daily basis it is a case of surviving the decision making process in how to present the best possible materials in the best possible way!

Enjoy these 7 tried and true tips for surviving the rigors of homeschooling in the 21st century.

Tip 1: Be open to continuous learning!

No matter how much we think we might know, there is always room for more! When we remain open to continuous learning life doesn't just happen to us. We become proactive in our approach and lead our children to be less reactive to the world. Full participation in 21st century life requires us to keep an open mind, and be in a position to successfully filter through the huge amount of new information generated on a daily basis.

Tip 2: Engage with those with more experience than you.

It is sometimes difficult to put ourselves in a position where we might feel inferior. Yet it can be truly liberating to surround ourselves with those who have more experience in different aspects of life than we do. This helps in a couple of ways. First you become privy to some very exciting ideas that you perhaps may not have come to on your own. It is amazingly inspiring to be in the company of those who bring us to new levels of thinking! These are experiences you can then bring to the education of your own children. Children often teach us this essential lesson in the way they interact in our world.

Tip 3: Tune into the daily needs of your student

It is very easy for all of us to have an "off" day. Your child is no exception. Remain present when communicating with your child. Children are sensitive creatures and will fluctuate sometimes on a daily basis. It is really a good idea to take this into consideration when planning your program. If your child is more alert in the pm perhaps your program will start later in the day. Homeschooling is just that. Schooling that is flexibly integrated into daily family life to fit the varying needs of your child.

Tip 4: Use technology to "enhance" learning

The use of technology is changing life in the 21st century dramatically. However it is a good idea not to just use it for the sake of using it! Connected with a learning experience it still must make sense and have meaning for the student to retain and use the information again in another setting. Virtual programs are exciting and very engaging. However attached to a negatively charged learning environment they do not promote or support learning. If there is ever a negative feeling toward your online materials take a step back and make changes to the way you may be using them. You do not want to loose the power of such a wonderful teaching tool.

Tip 5: Involve humor in your program

Humor hands down helps to positively engage children in life in general! Thinking back to your own learning experiences you probably can pull some pretty hilarious moments and remember the information that came along with it!

Tip 6: Model the behavior you want to see in your child.

How many times have you caught yourself yelling:

"stop yelling at me and get on with your work!"

There are those days where it is difficult to model the behavior we want to see in our kids. However it is most often on the most difficult of days that doing the opposite of what the child is doing that creates a break through for both parent and child. It generally makes sense to listen to someone who is being calm and rational. In our adult world we don't tolerate being yelled at too often by other adults. Nor do we really resort to yelling back! Kids start to pay more attention when adults behave in a more rational manner. So next time you want to blow your stack - breathe, count to ten and rationally ask for what it is you require at that moment.

Tip 7: Be flexible in your thinking

Engaging in flexible thought practices you are giving yourself and your students the option of changing things that don't work as soon as you see a change is needed. No one becomes "stuck" in a learning situation that is not actively supporting the learning environment. Flexibility promotes curiosity which then in turn encourages different approaches to thinking and problem solving.

Author Info:

Of course you will come up with many more tips that support your wonderfully personalized learning environment. Should you need a few more visit http://www.k12homeschoolsupport.com We are continually working towards more creative and supportive approaches to homeschooling in the 21st century.

Tailor Home School Learning To Child And Parent (Or How To Effectively Involve Your Husband!)

"Dad, can I PUH-LEEZ have this video game for Christmas?" My thirteen year old son plaintively begged his Dad for the millionth time. Over the last couple of years, my son had really developed an affinity for video games.

If my memory is correct, my son was ten years old when he was introduced to electronic games at a friend's house. Before we purchased his first game system, we discussed the pros and cons; my husband and I are so old that we remember playing the old Atari game system twenty years ago, and we always had fun playing with friends. We agreed to limit his playing time and monitor the content. We started with games that were rated E which meant the content was suitable for everyone, and as he matured we allowed T or teen games.

His first real passion was fueled by Nintendo GameCube. I cannot tell you how many times over the years he played and mastered The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Brothers; I have heard the theme music so often that I can recall it in my sleep! Next, he became absorbed in Microsoft xbox games like Star Wars Battlefront II and Knights of the Old Republic.

Recently, my son began to yearn for games that imitated battles like Call of Duty III which is a T game that is based on World War II battles in France. We were concerned about the possibility of realistic battle scenes, but my husband came up with a creative way to capitalize on my son's passion for the game by incorporating some learning in history and science.

Since most of the battles take place in a real geographical place and revolve around real battles, my husband decided to use my son's interest in the game to advance his knowledge and understanding of military and political history. Periodically, he has my son research one of the historical events like the battle of Normandy, write an essay, and then discuss it. Future plans include some physical scientific study by assigning some of the weapons and munitions for research and discussion. By watching my son play the video game, my husband knows what battles he is currently re-enacting so he can make timely and appropriate assignments.

Why is this method so effective for both my son and husband?

Well, my very astute husband has chosen to teach what my son is already passionate about: war and weapons! Instead of reading a dry, boring textbook on World War II, my son gets to choose multiple texts from which to learn (by the way, even at 13, he chooses books from the library or bookshelf with lots of glossy photos!) My husband also benefits from this teaching method because he gets to draw from his own extensive interest in the subject and teach something he knows alot about. He doesn't have to spend a lot of his free time on researching the subject so this type of teaching doesn't cramp his work schedule. What a win-win situation for both my boys!

How can you use similar teaching techniques in your home school?

First, pay close attention to your children's interests. How do they spend their free time? Does your daughter like to write or cook or collect earthworms in her spare time? Does your son collect baseball cards, build with lego blocks, or meticulously paint car and airplane models? Make a short list of their interests, abilities, and blossoming gifts.

Next, make a short list of what interests, gifts, and abilities you and your husband have. You may be an avid chef while your husband may be an expert at building models. Find the intersections of your children's interests and your interests, then use those strengths as starting points for launching studies. Craft a learning plan that is tailored to both child and parent, and be flexible with the type of content. Vary the materials: use books, photos, and DVDs for the initial research, and be sure to incorporate lots of hands-on experience so that the child begins to really master the subject matter.

When both parents are involved with home schooling, the burden is shared, and learning will be fun for the entire family!

Author Info:

After fourteen years as a CPA, Diane Lockman put her career on hold while she gave her kids a classical Christian home education Home schooling for over 8 years, she now shares her experience as the author of The Classical Scholar an online teaching resources for homeschooling parents. Be sure to download her latest book, "The World is Waiting...A Brief History of Classical Christian Education" when you subscribe for email updates.
The Classical Scholar © 2008

Home Schooling - How to Avoid Burnout

As with any project you take on, there is always the chance for burnout. Here are some simple steps you can take to help avoid burning out on home schooling.

1. Don't try to do more than you or your child are capable of doing. Most students are average. Don't expect your 3 year old to read novels or your teenager be able to ace the SAT test and get a full ride into college. These things happen, but they are not the norm.

2. Set a routine and skip the strict schedules. Do your children know what is expected of them each day? They need to get up, eat breakfast, do some chores, read, write, do arithmetic and a few other things that you set for them to do. They should not be playing on the computer or playing outside until their normal routine is finished. Some days are easier to accomplish than others. On the low motivation days, you can always throw in some fun or an occasional incentive.

3. Enjoy your children and develop your relationship with them. If you have a habit of relating with your child, with mutual listening, then you can work through any curriculum struggle or lack of motivation. You and your child should enjoy learning together and separately. If you are interested in a certain topic like cooking or gardening then your children should see you pursuing that knowledge. We all learn better when we are motivated to learn something ourselves.

4. When you home school you don't have to mimic what the schools do. They have to structure their days a certain way because of the volume of students they have and the tests they have to pass. Home schoolers can learn in many different ways using unusual methods like hopping up and down a step when you answer a flashcard or problem correctly. Use the flexibility of home schooling to avoid burnout by changing the atmosphere a little bit. Play music one day. Light some candles another day. Declare a "game day".

If you keep your life and day in proper perspective, you can easily avoid burning out on home schooling. Your children probably won't remember the lesson of the day although they will build on their knowledge and grow in their intelligence, just as they won't remember the meal they eat, but it will help them grow physically. Your children will mostly remember the atmosphere of your home and how you treated them.

Author Info:

For more tips on how to homeschool, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at http://www.hjresources.com/freehs Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Don't Underestimate a Christian Classical Education

Your children are heavily influenced by education. It not only helps shape their view of the world and their ability to deal with life, it also plays a role in their strength of character. So it's really no wonder that deciding how and where your children should be educated can be a hard choice.

All schools and educational options have something to offer, whether the schools are public, private, religious, charter, home, or non-sectarian. However, there is also Christian Classical Education, which is different in that it is promoting the most proven form of education.

Some of the greatest and most famous leaders, thinkers, and scientists were products of Christian Classical Education. Some of those very leaders and thinkers were also the founding fathers of America.

Respected leaders, movers, and shakers continue to emerge from a shattered version of classical education. Regretfully, the untainted form of classical education includes a Christian worldview.

The reason Christian Classical Education is so successful is because of its basis in Trivium. Children go through three learning phases, regardless of how fast they learn.

Memorization is the focus through grades K-6. Forming arguments based on logical and critical thinking is the focus in grades 7 to 8. Grades 9 through 12 hone in on teaching independent thinking and communication. These phases constitute the Trivium, effectively teaching children to communicate persuasively through speech and writing.

Christian Classical Education involves a variety of subjects, but usually covers history, literature, art, language, science, and math. Students are also assigned to read works that cover Western literature and Western philosophy.

It's also common for students to learn classical languages like Greek and Latin, which was very common in classical curriculum. Some of the better known teaching methods also include debates, Socratic teaching, and lectures.

There has never been a greater need for Christian Classical Education. The world has become a constantly shifting, changing place: We leap from one technology and pop culture to the next. These along with geopolitical forces are constantly restructuring our daily lives.

The skills necessary to get and keep a job are constantly changing. No matter how the world changes, we will always have need for great thinkers and speakers. People who aren't afraid to learn new skills and master them quickly are desired in every field. Classical Christian Education has produced the very people needed in a changing world.

Author Info:

Discover the power of a Classical Christian Education and join the Raise a Leader Revolution. You can finally afford to take control of your child's future and launch your child into greatness. Join us in saving our nation one true leader at a time.

How Home Schooling Programs Work

A home schooling program is an online learning program that offers the ability to obtain a high school diploma. Several home schooling programs are designed especially for students that are of high school age. In many cases, students need to be between 16 and 18 in order to take courses in the particular program. The program provides online education through various courses needed to graduate high school.

The home schooling program is not a GED program. Instead, it offers the student the ability to take the actual courses they are missing in order to graduate. Upon completion, the student will receive an actual high school diploma.

Students choose from a number of necessary courses in many different areas of study. These include math, social studies, science and English. The student can sign up for only the courses they need to graduate and take the online classes at their own pace.

The top home schooling programs use certified teachers who provide course lectures and homework via the Internet. The students are able to turn in assignments online as well. In addition, students and teachers can discuss topics via forums, and teachers are also available for individualized support.

There are also fast track programs that offer diplomas through a comprehensive, 24-credit examination. The timeline for completion of the program varies depending on the number of classes that are needed, but on average, a student can earn their diploma in 3 to 12 months.

The home schooling program is the perfect option for the student who left high school but still wants to get his or her diploma. The program works best for those who are motivated and are able to devote time each day to the schoolwork. Make sure that the school is accredited so that the student will be able to receive a real diploma.

Author Info:

To learn more about home schooling programs , visit ContinentalAcademy.com The site also offers detailed course descriptions for a wide range of subjects.

Practical Homeschooling Tips - Home Schooling Credited Programs

Credited programs for home schooling are what most home schoolers are trying to find. The reasons are obvious, mainly for their grades in high schools. In case the child in enrolled in an accredited program, then all major schools shall accept such credits. Your home school too receives a certain level of creditability.

Those people who are averse to home schooling methods would then have to rethink. Such programs give parents a great option if they themselves are faced with hardships in creating a curriculum of their own. The program relives them of knowing what today's high educative world needs of the child.

Which home schooling programs are the best? The answer lies in what you'd like the child to learn. If you want to impart a good secular program then Saxon Math series program would be ideal. Various Montessori schools inculcate Saxon series, and then even if the child later on joins a regular school he will be able to adapt to the education most comfortably.

Another really nice program is the Math-U-See program. However these programs aren't home schooling having credits, as they remain individual courses. If your choice is a standard based secular credited home schooling lesson then it is better to search the various online home schooling programs available online such cyber schools. The Calvert School is amongst the best home school lessons that are secular based. Such programs are affordable 7 one can choose enrollment options. All the states will approve as these courses are credited and will help get transfers to any regular school as and when desired.

Your choices are immense if incase you want to find Christian home school programs. The Jubilee Academy and Grace Academy are bible based and are fine picks for home schooling lessons that are credited. Quite a few local churches too lend support to home schoolers while some go a step further and teach you child via their traditional school.

Want to know if there are home schooling programs available for free? Well yes, but you'd require money for home schooling programs that are credited. If your choice is for an accredited curriculum then you'll have to dish out some money. There also some ways to find a program of home schools that are free and accredited too.

One way is that to locate a similar home school family who will share your needs, or then you can make contact with accredited schooling programs who would be willing to offer a scholarship and lastly you can also request from a donation on freecycle.com or Craig's list website.

While taking programs from home schooling for High School courses make sure that it is a home schooling program that's credited as most colleges would ask for graduation from schools that are credited at the time of seeking admission. When ever you feel like getting a list of programs of home schools the best place to find it will be the Top 100 Home School Programs by Cathy Duffy. If you do not want to buy then just visit a near by library as all of them have it.

Author Info:

Discover how to save on your home schooling and income taxes as well as effective strategies to improve your homeschooling direct instructions to your children when you visit http://www.homeschoolingfordummy.com

Is Home Schooling Right for You?

Homeschooling is one of the greatest experiences a family can have. However, it's not without obstacles. There are three specific areas that you must consider when choosing to home school. Choosing the right curriculum that your children can learn and that you can teach can be a daunting task. Will you have the support of your immediate and extended family? A lack of support from your family can strain your ability to be an effective home schooler. Financially, you can be strained even if you don't home school, so you must have a good handle on your personal finances as well.

Curriculum should be chosen according to two specific ideas: the child's learning style and your style of teaching. Does the child do better with auditory or visual learning? Will a strict formal curriculum work best or something more laid back? Each child is different as is each parent's teaching style. Only you will know which will work best for you in your specific situation.

Many families that choose to home school are met with negative responses by friends and family in many cases. Having a support group is extremely helpful in knowing how to deal with this type of pressure. It is a personal decision to home school and a support system will help you to stay focused and moving forward. Negative, outside influences add undo stress and can zap the joy from the home school experience.

Is the family able to handle the challenge of home schooling financially? Curriculum aside, the family must have a financial plan. You must be focused on your child's learning much more than a traditional school requires you to be. If the children are young and need one on one attention from the parent, it may be difficult to have an outside job while homeschooling. So you have to be organized with your finances so that being uninformed or disorganized in this area will not detract from your child's education.

These are just a few of the obstacles you will face when choosing to home school. Having things thought out and planned well will reduce the anxiety and stress for you, your child, and your family. Everything will not run smoothly all the time, but if you fail to plan, plan to fail.

© 2008 Billy Waldrop

Author Info:

Billy Waldrop, MBA is a consultant specializing in strategic leadership and management through education and practice. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Decision Science with Walden University. Billy is passionate about leadership in our homes and communities. To learn more on how to leverage the Internet to create an extra income as a homeschooling family, visit Exact Leadership.

Who Is Involved In Teacher Appreciation?

On a teacher appreciation day a lot of people are involved. Think about all the active people in a school - students, and parents of students and of course the teachers. The most important people on this day are the teachers. This day is the start of the teacher appreciation week, in this week the teachers are in the middle of all the interest. This week is meant to say thanks to the teachers for the past year, which is one of the reasons this week is held in the end of the year.

Not only students are important on a teacher appreciation week, their parents and other active people on a school are also really important. The director of a school for example is important in showing appreciation; he / she is giving the example to thank his 'employees' so the students and their parents can follow it. In the end its all about the students and the teachers, they've been living together for a whole school year and have to end the year in a good way. A student is doing that by achieving everything he/she wanted to achieve, and a teacher doesn't have a thing for its own to end the year in a good way. A good end is that all of its students pass the year and go on to the next grade. A small or maybe big 'thank you' from the students is the least in the way of appreciation at the end for a teacher to receive.

Parents of students can be satisfied as well by the achievements of their son / daughter. They are also able to say thank you or give something of which displays their appreciation for a teacher. A teacher is probably the most important part of the education of a student. Because of that a little show of appreciation is more than welcome, it doesn't take a lot of time or effort but you can make a teacher really happy or lets him know that he has done a good job the past year.

The teacher appreciation week 2008 is really important, and make sure you'll be showing your teacher a little respect and appreciation on the teacher appreciation day 2008.

Author Info:

Alberto Aparicio is the manager, webmaster and publisher of Teacher-appreciation.info
You are most welcome to this unique website devoted to Teacher Appreciation with ideas and suggestions for Teachers Day, Teacher Appreciation Week and other student-teacher occasions. We strongly believe that teachers play a key role in every individual's development and evolution.

Is Choosing a Pre-Packaged Homeschool Curriculum Right for Your Family?

When a family decides to homeschool, one of the first decisions they face is what they will use for learning materials. Most families choose one of the many pre-written curricula now available for sale to families that homeschool. But a significant number of families choose to design their own course of study.

Whether families choose a pre-made curriculum, or design their own studies, it requires a significant commitment. There are great reasons to buy a course of study done by any number of companies that specialize in curriculum for homeschoolers.

Some of the advantages to buying a pre-made curriculum include:

  1. Everything is done for you. It's undeniable that it takes much less time and effort to buy a packaged curriculum. The biggest time expense will be doing research to find the right curriculum for your child. Once you decide which curriculum to purchase, you only need to follow the directions that come in the course of study.
  2. There is established structure. It's reassuring for kids to know in advance what they are going to study. Parents have a ready-made answer to the question, "What are we doing today?" The curriculum structure serves as a roadmap for the year's study.
  3. Professionals put the curriculum together. The people who assemble curricula for most major homeschool publishers have education and homeschooling experience. This gives parents some confidence that what the kids learn is age appropriate and in keeping with educational standards.

There are some drawbacks to using a prepared curriculum. Some of the cons include:

  1. There is a substantial up-front cost. A full curriculum from a major publisher will cost anywhere from $300 to $1000 (or more) every new year. While this is less than many private schools charge for tuition, it's still a concern for homeschooling families on a budget.
  2. You are locked in for the school year. Even if the curriculum you purchase doesn't fit your needs, many families will be reluctant to stop using it because of the expense of buying it. You may be able to adapt the curriculum to better fit your needs, but that requires an extra preparation step you weren't expecting.
  3. There's no assurance what you buy is right for your kid. Your child may not connect with a given curriculum, no matter how well it's put together. Your job as "head teacher" will be to make sure it works for your child. Again, that is an extra step that you didn't expect to go through.

Each family's individual needs will influence the decision whether or not to buy a packaged curriculum. There is no right answer for every family. Generally, packaged curricula offer more structure, less preparation time for the parents, and are assembled by people with an academic background in education.

Every family must choose whether a pre-packaged curriculum is right for them. Either way, the children benefit from the commitment the family makes to home-based education.

Author Info:

Richard and Jennifer Jarman are parents of 3 great kids and avid homeschoolers. They publish Wholehearted Parents, a free e-mail newsletter for parents. The newsletter features short articles on subjects that parents care about, and news about toy safety and other parental concerns. Subscribe today and receive a FREE report, "The Right Way to Discipline a Child," by going to http://wholeheartedparents.com/Newsletter.html

Homeschooling - Is it Right For You and Your Family?

The decision to homeschool is one that you should not take lightly. Here are some tips you can use to find out if this could be the right decision for your family:

1. Evaluate your child's current school situation. Are they in school or are they going to be ready for school soon? If your child is in school, are they being appropriately challenged? Are there any classroom issues that are making learning difficult for your child? If your child is not in school, what are their schooling options and do you have any concerns that this will not be a positive learning experience or environment?

2. What is your motivation for thinking about homeschooling? What are your educational goals for your child? Are you willing to commit the time and resources needed for homeschooling?

3. Read whatever you can find about homeschooling. Realize that you will come across many different philosophies and opinions. Use this time to develop your homeschool philosophy. You know yourself and your child best and know what learning style and educational philosophy that will work best for you and your child.

4. Talk to other homeschool parents that have children that you enjoy talking to. If parents have been homeschooling for any length of time, they can help you avoid some of the mistakes that they made. They can also help you work through some of the questions mentioned here.

Your homeschool decision will probably not occur overnight. Many problems or concerns over your child's current or potential learning problems have brought you to this point. Make sure you approach homeschooling because you want the best option for your child.

Author Info:

For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at http://www.homeschool-how-to.com Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Hello! Socialization IS a Benefit of Home Schooling

Whenever the topic of family education faces, a question is raised to be sure - that of socialization. While even the most cynical skeptics can't deny that there are several advantages of home schooling (such as children at home have better results in all areas than their public school or private) They seem to dwell on the social aspects of family education, standing by the mistaken belief that home schooling stifles a child's ability to socialize.

It's actually easy to see things from their point of view and to understand why they came to such hasty conclusions. The style of home schooling implies a lower teacher-student ratio (an aspect many regard as one of the best advantages of home schooling), which means that a home-schooler has more interaction with children his or her age compared to a child who goes to school, where the interaction is virtually inevitable in a classroom.

But while skeptics argue that keeping children away from a predominantly social setting stunt their socialization, the public school supporters insist that confining children to the school will allow them to better develop their social skills. In fact, these adherents believe that improving the socialization is yet another advantage of home schooling, even though it is often overlooked.

How is this so? To begin with, home-schooled children have their parents as their main influence, and not a peer group that could childhood (and probably more) distorts their values and perspectives, significantly delaying their willingness to confront the real world. Children from the school may allow more time to interact with their peers, but to confine socialization within a certain age group (and not very mature as that in).

The style of home schooling, on the other hand, gives children the chance to be influenced by people who know what they are like in the real world and whose priorities are passing on a good set of values, as opposed to Impose misconceptions of what's "cool" and what's not. What's more, these kids get to interact with people of different ages, simply by staying in their parents' protective wing, teaching them to socialize outside of their age group and allow for a broader, more mature point of view.

And indeed, to be educated at home doesn't mean that a child can interact with his peers at all. There's a lot of time to do that when the school and most of the day lessons were made. Concerns naturally come to the socialization of those who have never had any experience of home schooling to begin with. But those who are lucky enough to have dared to try knowing that socialization isn't a problem have come to the realization that home schooling is just as effective social as the surrounding public and private schools.

Author Info:

For more information please take a look at my blog: http://socialhomeschooling.blogspot.com/