Discount Home-School Books - Resources That Will Lower Your Homeschooling Cost

Purchasing discount home-school books is a great step toward inexpensive homeschooling. Begin by making a list of books you want to purchase for each child, subject and grade level. Be sure to make note of each book's retail price. Then check with the following retailers to find the lowest prices available:

  • Booksellers like Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Borders and Half Price Books allow home-schoolers to to take advantage of teacher's discount programs to purchase new books at a reduced price. You may be asked to present official documentation when applying for the educator's discount. If documentation is necessary, you can create a letter or home-school ID card on your home computer. Barnes & Nobles and Borders also host annual teacher appreciation events that offer savings over and above the educator's discount.
  • Christian Book Distributors offers a free Educational/Home-school catalog that offers savings of up to 90% on home-school books and curricula. Its catalog also features product reviews by home-school book author, Karen Andreola.
  • Rainbow Resource offers price savings on a variety of materials from popular home-school curriculum suppliers. The company provides free shipping on orders over above $150. Its free catalog is also a great source of product reviews.
  • Scholastic offers a monthly book club flyer where home-schoolers can purchase materials for prices as low as 95 cents. The company also hosts semi-annual Customer Appreciation Warehouse Sales where it sells many of the fiction and nonfiction books from its monthly fliers at half the cover price. By registering for these sales through Scholastic's website, you can print a fast cart pass that also serves as a coupon at checkout.
  • Usborne Books provides money saving opportunities through its home shows, e-fairs and consultant program. By introducing friends to Usborne books through a party hosted in your home or on a consultant's website, you can earn free homeschooling books for your children. Usborne also provides home educators with the chance to become independent consultants. During my first 3 months as an Usborne consultant, I earned over $600 in free books, received commission on materials I purchased for my family, and earned money for use in our home-school.

By purchasing materials at a home school curriculum fair, you can eliminate shipping costs and take advantage of show specials. Vendor fairs can save you money and time. By viewing the books before purchasing, you reduce the risk of having to return materials and select new ones.

You can also save money on homeschooling resources and supplies by taking advantage of teacher's discount programs at Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples.

Author Info:

Here is a list of other retailers that offer homeschool discounts

For links to free homeschooling resources and tips for buying used curriculum, visit the affordable homeschooling section of Carletta's website, Successful Homeschooling.

Homeschooling and Socialization - Is it an Issue?

Probably the most often asked question of homeschoolers is "What about socialization?" People who don't homeschool have an image that homeschooled children become hermits and don't interact or talk to anyone for the entire day. Parents who homeschool usually roll their eyes at any comments about socialization because they know that their children get plenty of social interaction.

Here are some common answers to the question of socialization and homeschooling:

1. Homeschool children have been and continue to socialize with many people all day long. The have been interacting with their parents and siblings since they have been born. They continue to interact with parents and siblings which can sometimes be the most challenging social interactions people can encounter. They say that if you can get along with your family, you can get along with anyone.

2. The socialization that takes place in schools is not necessarily positive. That is one reason that many parents homeschool in the first place. The school environment forces students to interact mainly with people of their own age. Homeschoolers are able to interact with people in many different age groups.

3. Most homeschool parents provide their children with many opportunities for social interaction outside the home. They can participate in homeschool support groups, scouting, special classes at museums, church activities, ballet classes, swim lessons, drama classes, etc.

4. Homeschool children tend to have fewer behavior problems and develop the skills they need to function in society at the same rate that public school children do.

School is not the only place you can meet people. Put your fears aside. Most homeschool children I have met are very easy to talk to and can carry on a conversation with people of all ages.

Author Info:

For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at

Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Should I Home School?

"As parents we ask ourselves many things when it comes to raising our children...we worry about what they eat, what they watch, who they play with, how they behave themselves when we're not around. Of course, we also worry about their schooling. But how many of us feel confident enough to take charge of our children's education and what advantages are there to doing so?"

Seriously, have you ever thought about teaching your child? It's quite a concept, isn't it? The truth is, most people never dream of taking on the responsibility of their child's education, at least, not in this day and age. It doesn't even enter into the heads of most parents. Most don't consider it an option because they have so much faith in the school system and the teachers who operate it. Well, is that truly the case or do most parents overlook the option of homeschooling their children because they simply don't feel qualified. Most parents who think about homeschooling feel overwhelmed by the very idea. They stop dead thinking about how much work will be involved; how much patience they'll have to maintain. They wonder, can I be the parent and the teacher? Will I have to learn all of the subjects? Why should I home school? These questions and more have risen every time I speak about homeschooling, every time I discuss the great benefits of this educational approach.

Home schooling does require time and energy, there's no getting around this. But if you play your cards right and focus on getting your kids excited about learning, in time, you can leave most of the teaching up to them. What I mean by this, is the first few years of their life until the age of seven, you teach your children to read, write, and apply basic math skills..

Here are some other things to consider:

• Once your children have mastered the basic skills of learning, once they know how to read and apply numbers, then you can have them start working independently.

• Gradually, children can learn to teach themselves.

• In the beginning, homeschooling requires three to four hours of work a day, supplemented by the odd field trips.

• By the time your kids reach seven or eight years old, however, homeschooling only requires about one hour from you and about five to six hours from them every day.

• The major advantage of this approach to learning, however, is that your kids eventually develop a habit of studying independently.

Of course, most parents worry about having the patience to teach their kids the basics study skills. As a business woman, the idea of staying at home with my kids every day never really occurred to me as a lifestyle unto itself. On the other hand, I was very focused on raising my kids the proper way did. When I first started home schooling, the whole process took some getting used to; the process was both difficult and demanding, with the first two months being the hardest, like most new things we begin. Once my kids and I had settled into a routine, however, things started to become a lot easier. Only seven months later, homeschooling for me and for my kids is a piece of cake. It's thrilling to see my kids really benefiting from the experience.

At the end of the day, the curriculum you choose also helps you to teach all the subjects relevant to a rounded education. As the teacher, all you have to do is follow the curriculum and the agenda that is written for you on a daily basis by home school advocates. You will learn as you go.

When it came to distinguishing between school and home, I began my homeschooling odyssey by explaining to my kids that when I am a teacher I will speak English only, and when I am a mom, I will speak Dari only. However you establish it, you need to make sure that your kids know that you have two different roles. In school time, my children get to be students who ask thousands of questions; as their teacher, I have to answer. In home time, I am teaching manners, and showing them what good behavior is. Above all, I've found that it's important to always be the best person you can so your children have a good role model to follow.

So, why should you home school? There are many reasons:

1. To allow your child to learn at their level, and excel at their pace.

2. To teach them all the things you think are important, including religious studies.

3. To let them become creative and find the gifts they were blessed with.

4. To give them confidence in their abilities.

Author Info:

If you would like more information about home schooling, you may be interested to hear Zohra speak on the subject or otherwise to sign up to receive one-on-one guidance about developing a suitable home schooling program for your children. Contact us directly for more information.

Home Schooling Vs Public Schooling - A Large Decision

In order to make a decision between teaching your child at home or sending them to the public school system, you often need to look at home schooling vs public schooling objectively. Here are two different things that you should take into consideration whenever you are trying to decide which would be best for your child.

The first has to do with the socialization that your child will get as a result of you deciding one way or the other. Socialization will be limited to a certain extent whenever you home school a child but it certainly is possible for you to join groups of like-minded people in order for them to interact in one way or another. Yes, your child will be getting a lot more socialization at the public school but you will have no control over the type of environment that the socialization will take place in. This is a heavy decision and probably one of the most important that you are going to make as far as home schooling vs public schooling.

Another thing to keep in mind is the development of your child educationally. In a public school setting, the entire class moves through the curriculum at the same speed, regardless of the personal development of each child. In a homeschooled situation, you are able to control the speed at which your child moves through the curriculum. This will help them to develop more as far as their education is concerned and to combat boredom from taking too long with subjects they are familiar with.

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To read more on the debate between Home Schooling vs Public Schooling, be sure to visit

Develop a Motivation to Learn in Your Sons!

High levels of motivation to learn will automatically develop in your children when they are treated well, respected, encouraged and when their schoolwork has meaning to them. Homeschool teachers who understand how to motivate a student can greatly enhance the education experience and performance of their children.

Most homeschooled boys are normally bright and inquisitive and have a high motivation to learn - but all children go through phases when they are uninterested or lazy. If you find your child in one of these stages, do not despair. There are many things you can do to try to regain your child's excitement for learning.

Ways to Increase a Student's Motivation to Learn:

  • Achievable Goals - Encourage your boys to focus on their continued improvement, not just on their grade for any one test or assignment. Help them evaluate their progress by encouraging them to critique their own work, analyze their strengths, and work on their weaknesses.
  • Difficulty Level - Ensure opportunities for your son's success by assigning tasks that are neither too easy nor too difficult.
  • Enthusiasm - An instructor's enthusiasm is a crucial factor in a student's motivation to learn. If you act bored or apathetic, your children will too. Challenge yourself to think of the most exciting way to present the material to your children.
  • Fast Feedback - Give your boys feedback as quickly as possible. Return tests and papers promptly, and reward success publicly and immediately. Give students some indication of how well they have done and how to improve. Rewards can be as simple as saying a child's response was good, with an indication of why it was good. Giving frequent, early, positive feedback will support a student's belief that they can do well.
  • Fun - Boys love sports because they are fun, exciting, sometimes thrilling, and highly emotional. Learning experiences for boys can and should provide just as much enjoyment and satisfaction as do sports. We sometimes think that some learning tasks are by necessity boring (like memorization of definitions, grammar, vocabulary or spelling), but this might just reflect a lack of creativity on our part. If we put Bible verses or spelling words to song, it can be a lot of fun to learn them. Use your imagination and you can make learning fun for your sons.
  • High Expectations - Hold high but realistic expectations for your students. Research has shown that a teacher's expectations have a powerful effect on a student's performance. If you act as though you expect your students to be motivated, hardworking, and interested in the material, they are more likely to be so.
  • Increase Difficulty Progressively - Ensure that the task is of an appropriate level of challenge for your child's age and ability level. If it is too easy the student will be bored and unmotivated. A level of difficulty above the student's ability could lead to frustration and giving up. Give your boys opportunities to succeed at the beginning of the year. Once students feel they can succeed, you can gradually increase the difficulty level. If assignments and exams include easy and hard questions, your child will have a chance to experience success as well as challenge.
  • Outside the Classroom - It has been said that most learning takes place outside the classroom. This is good new for homeschoolers. We still need to remember to prime our children to continue learning after they're done with their formal schoolwork, to prepare them to be aware, and to ask them to apply concepts in their lives as they go about their day.
  • Positive Atmosphere - Create an atmosphere that is open and positive.
  • Reward Success - Praise builds your children's' self-confidence, competence, and self-esteem. Recognize sincere efforts from your sons even if the product is less than stellar. Use praise liberally. Reward for effort and improvement and not just for the outcome. When boys play sports, the game provides a constant flow of accomplishments and the enjoyment of those accomplishments. Even the sports team that ultimately loses enjoys and occasional strikeout, a base hit, or a well-caught fly ball. Homeschooling parents should try to replicate this stream of small but constant ego rewards in their son's lessons. Breaking learning into small pieces that can be mastered and that will produce a feeling of accomplishment and success will help motivate students to go forward, even through very difficult material.
  • Strengths and Interests - The task should be meaningful and relevant to the learner. Students often comment "Why do I have to learn about..... I'll never use this when I grow up!" Find out what your children are interested in and how they feel about the subject matter. Be sure to tailor their lessons so that your boys will be able to fully explore the subjects that interest them most. Also, be sure to explain how the content of their schoolwork will help them to achieve their educational, professional, or personal goals.
  • Student Choices - Students will be more motivated to engage in a task if they have some say in what the task is, how it is to be carried out, and presented. The less controlling the teacher, the more motivation to learn the student will have. When possible, let students have some say in choosing what will be studied. Give students options on term papers or other assignments (but not on tests). Let students decide between two locations for the field trip, or have them select which topics to explore in greater depth.
  • Teamwork- People are generally sociable and like being around each other. Kids usually enjoy working as a team; yet, often the learning activities we assign call for individual effort. By working on some team projects with our children, we can take advantage of the benefits of teamwork, where the younger students will learn by having the older ones help. And, of course, since teaching someone something is the best way to learn, the students who teach each other will learn better than if they were learning alone.
  • Valued - Help students feel that they are valued members of a learning community. Again, this is very easy to do while homeschooling as you are teaching your own children, whom you highly value.
  • Vary Activities - Variety reawakens students' involvement in the material and their motivation. Break up the routine by incorporating a variety of teaching activities and methods in your course: role playing, brainstorming, discussion, demonstrations, case studies, or small group work. Teachers should strive to make learning always at least mentally active and often physically active as well. The students should be responsible for producing something, rather than just sitting passively, soaking up the presentation.

Teachers definitely have the ability to increase the motivation to learn in their students. Many of the above behaviors come naturally for homeschooling parents; however, if you find your sons lacking motivation, be sure to give some of these suggestions a try!

Author Info:
Michelle Caskey has been homeschooling her sons for five years. Michelle graduated from the Western Michigan University with a degree in English and Computer Science. Read more of her homeschooling articles at:

Know the Benefits of Home Tutors and Tutoring Programs

As your child goes through his school years, he needs all the help he can get, and a portion of that assistance can be given by tutors. This applies to all children regardless of what level of learning there is, whether he learns fast or is having slight difficulty catching up in school. Getting a home tutor for your child can offer many benefits, even for you as the parent.

For starters, because you may be busy with work and are away from home at significant hours of the day, you are likely to not have full time to monitor your child's school work. Hiring a tutor to do that allows you to maintain your current work schedule, and at the same time, keep an eye on your child's progress through your home tutors or private tutors. Your tutor keeps you informed on what needs to be done in school, and what your son's or daughter's standing is when it comes to homework or exams.

Also, home tutors are beneficial not only to children who need an extra boost in school. Even kids who have an above average performance in class may need tutors to keep the status of their grades. Private tutors can provide these kids with additional exercises to hone their skills, as well as introduce new lesson concepts for advanced studying. If a child completes most of his work in advance, he will have enough time for personal things such as enjoying a hobby or interacting with friends.

Research has proven the difference home tutoring or private tutors can make with the progress of a child, as well as for adults or individuals with special learning needs. In a 2008 report by the UK-based journal Pedagogy, it has been found that tutoring programs, especially among peers, has been beneficial for students who wish to become educators in the future. Among the plus sides of tutoring in student groups include learning collaboratively, and having experience as well as good rapport with students. In other journals, tutoring has been observed as an effective means of improvement for children with autism as well as other learning disabilities.

For those who want to become home tutors themselves, starting out as one can be like a small business venture, too. This is a great opportunity for high school students and college students to earn extra income, while at the same time providing services that can help other students and their families. Most community colleges and schools offer peer to peer private tuition, which can be voluntary or paid. The payment for these services are usually on a per hour basis.

To be able to know more on the benefits of personal tutors and private tuition, you can do research online. There are tons of resources available that tell you where to get home tutors you need for your child, as well as how to become a private tutor as a source of income.

Author Info:

You can learn more on how to get a home tutor, personal tutor or private tutor when you visit UK Tutors.

How Dads of Homeschoolers Can Stay Involved in Their Kids' Learning

Moms often bear responsibility for the teaching in homeschool families. Usually this happens because fathers are working away from home during normal school hours. There's nothing wrong with this arrangement, of course. Both spouses are providing something necessary for the family to thrive.

One drawback to this arrangement is that the father often finds himself cut off from the learning his children experience. It doesn't have to be this way, however. Moms may need to carry the teaching load. But dads can contribute in important ways to their children's homeschooling success.

Here are 4 ideas for dads who want to play a greater role in their kids' learning:

  • Ask questions. Find out what the kids learned during the day. It's a great way to connect with them. It shows that you care about their education, even if you are not around to see it happen. Also important: ask mom how things are going. Make sure she knows that you value what she's doing with the kids.
  • Engage in family learning activities. Set aside time after work to read to your family. Or plan a family devotional. Really, the activity isn't as important to the kids as the fact that dad cared enough to get involved. Just remember to keep it short and fast-paced so the kids don't lose interest.
  • Take weekend/evening field trips. One of the great aspects of homeschooling is the flexibility. Learning can take place anytime. Plan a weekend field trip to a museum. If there is an observatory nearby, take an evening trip to see the planets. The kids learn, and the time the family spends together becomes a great memory.
  • Give mom some time off. Every stay-at-home mom works hard just keeping the house together. When you add the responsibility of teaching to her daily tasks, it can be overwhelming. Make sure she gets a regular time to get away from it all, even if her "retreat" is her own bath or bedroom.

It's hard for a dad to stay connected with his children's education when he is out of the house eight to twelve hours (or more) per day. But the flexibility of homeschooling allows him the opportunity to get involved. The time fathers spend participating in their kids' learning makes a lasting impression on the children (and their wives). It's a tangible way to show the family that he loves and values them.

Author Info:

Richard and Jennifer Jarman are enthusiastic homeschoolers and parents of three great children. They publish a free e-mail newsletter for parents. The newsletter features short articles on subjects that parents care about, and news about toy safety and other parental concerns. Subscribe today and receive a FREE report, "The Right Way to Discipline a Child," by going to

Home School Teacher Training - Is it Needed Or Required?

Many people think that if home school parents don't have a teaching degree, they can't possibly teach their children effectively. Home school parents come from a variety of educational and socioeconomic backgrounds. For the most part, they have no teacher training. Most people, when they become parents, also have no formal parental training either.

Actually home school parents have been shown to have more formal training beyond high school than the general population. Many home school mothers are certified teachers, but a high school diploma is all that is required.

Homeschooling is mostly based on a tutoring model of education rather than a classroom model. Many people believe that teaching leads to learning. Sometimes teaching does not always produce the result of learning. With individualized instruction, the learning style of the student can be addressed and utilized much more easily than in a classroom setting.

Most home schoolers believe in developing a greater love for learning. Children were given a natural curiosity and if given the right environment, that curiosity can develop and lead to learning.

If parents encounter a subject they are not familiar with or don't think they can teach, they can either learn the material along with their children or can get help from other resources. They can take advantage of tutoring, correspondence courses and help from friends who are well versed in the subject at hand. Some public schools allow students to take classes there if the parent is not able to teach that subject.

Just because a parent does not have a teaching degree, it doesn't mean that they can't have a great relationship with their child and help them develop a love for learning.

Author Info:

For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Homeschool Curriculum - Can I Live Without It?

Many resources and curriculum packages are available for home schooling. This overabundance of choices can be overwhelming to many people. Do we really need a packaged curriculum or is there a better way?

Did you use a curriculum to teach your child to eat or talk? We teach our children many things using a natural lifestyle method. When it comes to learning, beyond life skills, we can also adopt a natural method and have even better results in some cases over using a more rigid approach.

This is not to say that you don't have a plan. You still need to know what you want to accomplish and how you want to accomplish it, but it can be tailored and adjusted for your child.

Schools use curriculum because of the number of students they have to manage. They are required to teach certain concepts in a certain way to keep their teaching uniform. Curriculum has to use a more generic approach. Homeschoolers have the advantage of using different methods of teaching using resources that might not be able to be used in schools. The world is your curriculum.

Many resources are available for many learning styles. Homeschoolers can use games, cooking, throwing the ball to learn math facts, jumping up and down steps when they answer a question correctly, and much more. When a child doesn't respond well to a certain approach, we can use a different style of teaching and save some frustration. If your child enjoys completing workbooks, then you can have them use workbooks and textbooks. If your child learns better by listening than seeing, then you can provide resources that reinforce that style of learning.

Whatever method you choose for home schooling, make sure you have a plan for your student. Get to know them well. Know how they learn best and approach their learning in that manner. They can even help you come up with a plan for what they will learn and how they want to learn it. You and your child know each other better than anyone else and know whether a packaged curriculum will promote the best learning environment.

Author Info:

Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at

Bring Home Education Back To The Biblical Principle Approach

I have been asked many, many a time -- What do you mean by Back to the Basics? Classical Approach? What does it all mean. I through you just opened a book and taught. Oh, Dear Friend, it is my hope to answer these questions and more, very simply in this article.

Back to the basics - the biblical classical approach to learning and teaching is a simple form of daily home teaching that brings us back to the Basics of the Bible and Life. While we full embrace our Old Testament Heritage, we are fully acknowledging our New Testament belief in Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior.

We believe that daily home education should instruct and nurture our children in the following ways:

  1. We believe teaching of a Biblical World view in Every Subject. We do this by incorporating The Holy Scripture (The Bible) and biblical thinking throughout our full school day, school year; and the curriculum that we choose to teach from and/or author.
  2. We believe teaching to and instilling into our children the core character value system that is modeled after the Life of Jesus Christ, Our Redeemer.
  3. We further believe that the most vital part of home education is to teach the CRIMSON THREAD (Jesus Christ) has a part in our every day life. That our Biblical Heritage should be taught side-by-side along with our American Heritage through every aspect of our curriculum and lives.
  4. We also desire to teach our children The Biblical Principle Approach to Christian Family Heritage, Christian American Heritage, Education and Government."

By: Karina C. Struven

Author Info:

The Mission of Biblical Christian Education (BCE) Academy is to provide our children with a biblical-learning voyage, to nurture their lives and to show them that Jesus Christ, the "Scarlet Crimson Thread" of our "Christian Biblical Heritage" does exists. It not only exists, but can and should be taught in every aspect of every school subject, and every aspect of their life. We teach our children with a complete Biblical Classical Christ-centered curriculum. Therefore, we have been blessed to write our own "Back to the Basics - The Biblical Principle Approach to Home Education" curriculum. All Glory and Honor goes to God! ... MORE INFO AT:

Effective Home Schooling

For every home schooled child there is a parent wondering if they are home schooling effectively. Home schooling your children are extremely beneficial because of the depth of knowledge, because of the one on one environment and because of the student's ability to focus. With no outside influences the student is less likely to be distracted from their learning objectives. It is a fact that schooling is a very important part of a child's life. The peer group effect and the social up bringing of a kid is very much dependent on his or her schooling. Education as well as the social interactive nature of the school is important for the kid.

One of the considerations for an effective home schooling would be the level of discipline, in both the teacher and the student. There should be a set time for the child to attend classes. The time should be maintained to teach them about structure. Knowing that classes will be at a certain time daily is important to effectively running a good home school. There should also be a structure for the times each individual subject will be covered, that way the child learns to be prepared as they would if they were in a bricks and mortar school.

The next consideration should be consistency; each subject should flow into each other and build on the lessons taught in the previous lesson. The lessons should be a part of a consistent curriculum and taught in a consistent way on a daily basis.

Another thing that is very important would be the variety of information presented. You should have a clear idea of how to make the information interesting so that you keep the child interested in whatever topic that they will learn. There should also be structure with the variety; everything should reflect your goals for the year.

The next consideration is to know how much homework to give and whether or not the child can learn the objective without assistance. Can they learn the subject matter enough to do it on their own? Giving homework that they must do alone gives you an idea of what needs to be revisited and what needs further explanation.

The last and possibly one of the most important considerations with a home school student would be the development of social skills. Because the student doesn't attend school with other students an effective home school will have some sort of social interaction with others. The child should join some sort of home schooling groups that take trips or visit with other children for the purpose of learning together. In this way the home schooling could be made really effective and this can help the learner learn a lot from home schooling.

Author Info:

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about effective home schooling visit Home Schooling Program for current articles and discussions.

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Home School Day

Leading a disciplined life is not one of my strong suits. I am a creative type with bursts of energy, spontaneous ideas, and routines rather than schedules. In answering God's call to homeschool, I am learning the value of planning, organization, and follow through. Here are five ways to help make the most of your homeschool day.

1. Start out your day with quiet time in God's word. For me that isn't first thing when I wake up. It is after I get my middle child off to Christian school and my toddler fed and onto his morning play time. Then, I can sit down and spend a few minutes of time filling my tank. Washing my mind with God's word helps me to have the strength, energy, and motivation, not to mention the spirit, to tackle homeschool.

2. Take breaks. Homeschooling isn't the same as formal schooling. So, why not take full advantage of its perks. Hammering through a curriculum is not the approach you have to take. No school bells are going to ring saying its time to move on to the next thing. If you hit a snag, you or your child get frustrated, or the material is just not sinking in, take a break. Walk away for a few minutes, hours, or even the rest of the day. Hit the books again once you have prayed and taken time to get clarity on the matter.

3. Have fun. No matter what method of homeschooling you adhere to, there is always room for fun. You get to teach your child at home, why not enjoy it! Be creative. Make a point to laugh together. Plan lessons and activities your child enjoys.

4. Keep a record. This may be as simple as a handwritten journal. Many states require somewhat detailed record keeping. I belong to an ISP (Independent Study Program) that helps me with this aspect by providing simple worksheets to follow. Take the time to jot down a few notes about what you covered and areas your child has mastered or needs work in. If you're like me, I have trouble remembering details. It's best to chronicle as you go so when the time comes to present formal paperwork you are not left scrambling to validate the lessons your child has learned.

5. Love your child and appreciate this precious time you have together. Life is a vapor.

Author Info:

Check out my article "25 Ways to Infuse Love Into Homeschooling". Become a member of for free and you can participate in our forum. I'd love to hear how you make the most of your homeschool day as well.

For more information on homeschooling or to read additional articles by Codie Brenner, go to

Codie Brenner has a bachelor's degree in Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing from Pepperdine University. She is a freelance writer, Christian school Librarian, and homeschool mom.

How To Get a Free Online Home Schooling Program Now

As more and more parents started to think that teaching and educating their child at home next to going to school, there are more and more free online home schooling resource. It proves to be a great help for those who choose this manner of educating their child at home.

Before knowing where to get tips, I think it is best to define is what is actually home schooling. It is an alternative to institutional schooling; it is in compliance with state laws and regulations. This way of schooling is a substitute to institutional schooling.

Over here, the parents take over their children's education and classes are held at home instead of the traditional mainstream schools.

Who are involved in home schooling?

There are many people from different walks of life. They are turning to this for very different reasons; even though research was done on this subject it could not be generalized as to why people seek home schooling.

There are nearly 10% around the world that most kids are home schooled.

What are the benefits of home schooling?

1) It is to create a stronger bond between parent and child.

2) Direct supervision of the child and his/her studies at all times and also provide convenient to the parents.

3) Safety concerns are not to be dealt with as what they face in mainstream schools.

4) There are certain flexibility for both the parents and children such as waking up the child as early as 7AM to be on time at school.

What about the benefits of free online home schooling?

1) These resource are ready to help both the parents and children to cope with the disadvantages that come with it, if they are doing it for the first time.

2) It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

3) It allows your kids to interact and create a social life for himself/herself, something that is lost when not going to an actual school.

4) It is crucial for the child to know that there are others like them that are taking the home schooling route; thus parents may give encouragement, tips and feedback from other parents of their similar situation.

In conclusion, free online home schooling is a great plus point for both the parent and their kids so as to improve one's knowledge and experience. Having home schooled your kids at the comfort of your own homes is going to be the trend of modern education. I believe it is going to stay for good as most government is facing shortages of teachers.

Therefore, Eddy has started a information guide on how to help parents home schooled their kids and also recommend some tips and techniques to home schooling for the kid in developing him to be a genius.

Author Info:

Eddy Kong is the author of a website called, Free Online Home Schooling Tips Now. This guide will be able to help more parents find alternative solutions to their home schooling methods so as to start the bonding the process. Drop by at his site now for more information and freebies.

How To Select The Ideal Home Schooling Program Using These 3 Simple Methods

As more and more parents decide to home school their kids, there is a constant need to have a structured method to proceed with. Although, most parents would love to home schooled their kids, they have to be more aware that bring up a child is going to be tough and of course meaningful. It is a hard task for any parent, whether they have an academic background or not; because it the future of your child and due to the high responsibility many parents overdo the teacher's job.

How challenging it is?

To most parents, home schooling is a challenging proposition. However, the benefits of a successful program far outweigh the challenges and obstacles anyone can imagine.

Are they any advantages to a home schooling program?

Yes there are:

1) The program gives ample bonding between the child and the parent to enable them to spend time together.

2) The kids will have better control of their schedule as they can can prioritize which interest to give attention to.

3) It give your child the ability to learn at their own pace. Your child can benefit from a teaching method, which has been created to cater to their inclinations and learning styles.

3 basic steps have been laid out in selecting the suitable program to engage your child with enthusiasm and interest.

1st step is to conduct enough research. You can call the local school district office to understand the requirements the state may have on home schooling children. Hard copies of such documents can be obtained through them. Any information obtained will used as a guide in selecting this type of program.

2nd step is to evaluate the curriculum. The optimum curriculum is one that seamlessly integrates the subjects. For instance, your child is learning science, while simultaneously using the English language grammar rules and concepts. This way, he or she has the ability to understand diverse topics under one program.

Getting feedback from experienced home schoolers on curriculum or programs you are considering. A comprehensive program is flexible, and can accommodate your choice of subjects and activities.

3rd step is to make ample preparations and plan the lessons. Once you have chosen the home schooling program, buy the materials. Review them and make advance lesson plans on how you would be able teach these subjects. Making a daily chart is to keep track of their assignments, and other supplementary activities ahead of time.

If, all 3 steps are followed, I believe you will make your search for the right home schooling program a fruitful one.

That's why, Eddy believe he can help you find the tips and techniques to home schooling from his shared resource.

Author Info:

Eddy Kong is the owner of a website called, I Want To Choose A Good Home Schooling Program. This guide will be able to help more dads and moms find alternative solutions to their home schooling activity so as to start the bonding the process. Drop by at his site now.

Brain Game for Kids - Downtime

Waiting in line or stuck in traffic, this is a super activity when you have bored kids. And this fun brain-builder takes only seconds to prepare and costs nothing at all!

Think of a common item that each child is familiar with. Ask one child to explain what the item is usually used for. Then allow other children a chance to name an unusual use for the same object (such as using an egg beater to tousle your hair or create bubbles in the bathtub). Older children should be able to come up with a greater number of uses. Encourage creative responses! Take turns to see how many uses each can think of. Let the kids discuss and brainstorm.

Variation 1:

Let the kids pantomime using a familiar object in an unusual way . Everyone else can try to guess what item is being used. It's a game of brain charades.

Variation 2:

Select one item and have each child write down ten ways to use it. Then have each child read his or her responses while everyone crosses off the answers that are not unique. The person with the most unique, but still plausible, responses wins.

Some possible items to choose are:

  • spoon
  • bathtub
  • ribbon
  • thumbtack
  • egg carton
  • hair brush
  • car
  • wallet
  • shoe box
  • needle
  • shovel
  • lipstick
  • pencil
  • yardstick
  • spatula
  • cup
  • purse
  • blanket
  • piece of paper
  • roll of tape
  • book
  • key chain
  • chair
  • pear
  • nail file
  • vegetable steamer
  • paper clip
  • shovel
  • stapler
  • piece of chalk

Have fun broadening your mind and increasing your critical thinking skills together!

Author Info:

Alison is a homeschooling mom of six children, ages 4-20. Married for over 22 years, she and he husband have used their greatest brain power educating their children. Alison is a public speaker, blogger, singer, author, and chocolate lover. She's is the co-founder of the BookWise Winners. Please visit the BookWise Bookstore for great selection and prices-and grab your free Classic Book Package just for ordering.

Alison's new book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Homeschooling is slated for publication in the spring of 2008.

Accredited Home Schooling

Nowadays the only way that home schooled children will make it in the world and get into schools where they have a chance to be doctors or lawyers they must go to accredited home schools. Accredited schools must be found to be accepted by the board of education and are transferable to other education departments. Nowadays with the rise of home school children graduating that has become a problem. To alleviate that problem, online schools started offering accredited home schooling options, these programs offer correspondence or online curriculums, with live instructors and dedicated student representatives, as well as the ability for parents to choose every aspect of their education.

Every thing has a very positive and bright side and a really negative and down side. As far as the home schooling is concerned, it is important to note those home schooling programs are of various types. Some of the home schooling programs are good and effective while others are not. Some of the home schooling programs are accredited while others are not. If you want your kid to learn from the home schooling program, it is a must that you select the right kind of program for him. This is something really important for him or her. Your kid is dependent on you for this selection. Selecting the right kind of accredited home schooling program will be a brilliant idea. A home schooling program which is accredited is better than the others which are not. Thus make sure that you choose the right one for your all your kids.

There are many of these programs available online; students can go to school online from Kindergarten all the way up to college degrees. These accredited home school programs, are structured for a student to get the maximum education. Parents get to be in charge of the education their child gets while maintaining their busy lifestyles and other household problems.

Having your child attend one of these programs will give your child an edge and an opportunity to go to the school that they dream of and make it like any other student. They will also learn structure as well as independence. They will get more money and more opportunities.

Another benefit of accredited home schools is that the school offers the child a chance to qualify for scholarships offered by the state for schools covered by the department of education, giving your child the chance to explore the unfamiliar, invent new approaches to understanding and connect their home school lives to the world at large. Accredited home school children enjoy a vibrant education and achieve futures unimagined.

Sign your child up for his or her future with an accredited home school.

Author Info:

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about accredited home schooling visit Home Schooling for Your Children for current articles and discussions.

25 Ways to Infuse Love Into Homeschooling

One of the most common reasons parents choose to homeschool is to ensure that they are the ones teaching their children the most important things in life, not a text book or an institution. Spending time with and modeling for your child are both great benefits of homeschooling. The following is a list of 25 ways to infuse love into homeschooling. It is a compilation of ideas, activities, and ways you can nurture your child as their mom as well as their teacher.

1. Work on a jigsaw puzzle together. It is a great way to extend the love language of quality time. Choose a subject for the puzzle that goes along with something you are teaching.

2. Build a fort with pillows and blankets and climb inside together for reading time.

3. Select a painting, drawing, story, or poem your child has created. Frame it and put it on display.

4. Make a simple date with your child. I take my son for his favorite, rolled tacos. It is a great time to talk and connect.

5. Designate one day this week as a theme day, like dress up day or pajama day or game day. Adapt your lesson plans to incorporate the theme.

6. Practice praising your child for something they do today. This is a great homeschool habit for every day.

7. Take a walk together. It can be a nature walk followed up by a journal writing, or simply a walk at the beginning of the day to go over what's on the agenda. Taking time together outside of seat work is very important.

8. Write a family newsletter to email to family and friends.

9. Choose to become a good listener.

10. Be affectionate throughout your homeschool day. You're their teacher, but you're their mom first.

11. Teach your child a family recipe.

12. Write love notes with your child and slip them into other family members' drawers, folded laundry, or briefcase.

13. Spend the day whispering so that you have to get close to one another and listen very carefully.

14. Pray with your child for your pastor and his family, the church you attend, the body of Christ, and missionaries around the world.

15. Play a silly playground game like leap frog or hopscotch. Jump rope together for P.E. or take a trip to the park just to swing on the swings.

16. Bake something together to bless a neighbor. You can make a homemade card to accompany the treats. Take this opportunity to share the love of Christ in your note.

17. Plan a surprise field trip.

18. Call your child by their first name as often as you can for an entire day. This shows your child that you acknowledge them, that you are listening, that you are tuned into their world. It is definitely a way to lovingly affirm your child.

19. Make your child a bubble bath at the end of a hard day of homeschooling.

20. Select your child as "Student of the Week" and create special privileges to go along with the title.

21. Start an herb garden together. Use this activity to explain the various herbs and how to use them in various meals.

22. Take up a volunteer project together. Be sure to include your child in the charity selection process.

23. Serve heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast.

24. Reward your child with a coupon redeemable for one day off of chores.

25. And don't forget to tell them how much you love them!

Author Info:

For more information on homeschooling or to read additional articles by Codie Brenner, go to

Codie Brenner has a bachelor's degree in Journalism with a minor in Creative Writing from Pepperdine University. She is a freelance writer, Christian school Librarian, and homeschool mom.