Homeschooling For Success - Learn a Way to Easily Have Your Child Memorize Necessary Material

There are a variety of ways to achieve fluency. One such way is called SAFMEDs ("Say All Facts a Minute Each Day"). This method relies on making up flashcards with the material that a child is supposed to memorize. It is a quick and easy method to ensure that a child masters the information he is supposed to memorize.

The first step is to decide what you'd like a child to master. Then flashcards of the material are made up with one possibility being that both the concept and answer are put on one side and just the concept on the other side. When a child is ready, he times himself for a minute while flipping through the cards. The total number of cards should be limited to 50 because that is the most that a person can easily handle in a minute. If a child is having problems flipping the cards, he can set out all the cards on the floor or a table. Then instead of having to handle the cards, he can just point to the card he's on while saying the answer.

A funny incident involving SAFMEDS occurred during a professor's (Lindsley) final evaluation of his student's knowledge. Professor Lindsley set as a requirement that each of his students had to achieve a fluency of vocabulary definitions at 20-30 per minute. Each student was required to meet individually with Lindsley and go through vocabulary flashcards in one minute. If a student didn't achieve fluency, he would have to go home and keep practicing until he was in the fluent range. One day another professor approached professor Lindsley's door and heard a student speaking really quickly and loudly. He thought better of going in thinking that Lindsley was being berated by this upset student.

The reason for doing SAFMEDs is that it is an easy method for obtaining quick results in memorization. A child will most likely see it as a fun and challenging activity that takes very little time and helps him to memorize the necessary material.

Author Info:

Isa Skrobola received her teaching degree at the University of Michigan. She has taught in various settings and has studied the best methods of education for over 10 years. She is currently homeschooling her six children, and wants to offer you more free information about achieving fluency at

Why Choose Private Tuition?

Private tuition, or hiring or personal home tutors, has been both a successful business venture and a helpful academic tool. Many schools encourage volunteer tutoring programs for students' exposure, and many parents choose to hire home tutors for extra help for their children when it comes to school work.

Private tuition works like this: you hire a personal tutor, arrange for a definite schedule to work with, and your tutor comes to your home to tutor your child at the specified times. In many cases, personal tutors are paid per hour, and may have varying study schedules with their students, such as after school hours or at night.

One can only begin to count the ways of how ideal and helpful a tutoring program can be, for any student as well as the parents concerned. Basically, the benefits of private tuition or hiring personal tutors can be summarized in five P's: Parent help, Performance, Progress, Peers, and Profit. Below are some short descriptions of each.

Parent help - There are many moms and dads who admittedly are too busy with work to monitor their children's school work first-hand. Getting a tutor to keep track of your child's homework and grades can be a big help, especially if you have little time on your hands. Your tutor updates you on what is being done and how well your child is doing with academics. In a way, you assist your child with his school needs through the guidance of your personal tutor.

Performance - One of the most common reasons why personal tutors or home tutors are hired is to improve the academic performance of a student, whether he is a child, teenager, or adult. In cases wherein a student is unable to catch up with current lessons, or needs to focus more on specific school topics, home tutors can definitely be good guides to have.

Progress - Not all cases of home tutoring programs or private tuition involve a student who is having difficulty catching up in class. Even when a student is performing fairly well with regards to grades, private tutors can still be hired to monitor the progress of a student. At times, advanced reading or extra exercises can be very useful in sharpening the skills of a tutee.

Peers - As mentioned before, there are people who opt for private tuition even when they are in their college years. Many schools and universities offer private tuition programs, both voluntary and paid, for students who need additional help in class. These peer to peer tutoring sessions have actually been proven effective in most instances, because of how easy it is to relate academically to fellow students of the same age.

Profit - There are many students as well as professionals who sign up for private tuition to be able to get extra income. There are a lot of private tutors who work part time or full time in home tutoring programs. It can be a good method of earning money while at the same time helping children and fellow students.

Author Info:

You can learn more on how to get a home tutor, personal tutor or private tutor when you visit UK Tutors.

Creative Home Schooling Makes a Difference

When many individuals think about teaching their children at home, they wonder if they are going to be able to make things interesting enough for the child throughout the entire educational process. The fact of the matter is, creative home schooling is something that is well within the grasp of anybody that wants to take on the responsibility. It not only has to do with making sure that your child is healthy and balanced, it has to do with making sure that they move through the curriculum at their pace without getting bored in the process.

Most of us can remember going through the school system and the fact that the entire group of children move through the curriculum at the same pace. This can be very destructive for children and boredom is usually manifest in a number of different ways, most of which are unwelcome. Although you are going to have to follow a particular curriculum whenever you teach your child at home, creative home schooling really comes through whenever you are able to allow the child to move through that curriculum at will.

It is going to take a lot of effort on your part to make sure that the education your child receives helps to mold them into a well-balanced and healthy adults. Being a little bit creative as far as helping your child through this process will go a long way in making sure that this takes place. It will all be well worth the effort once you recognize the fact that your child is better off because of what you put into it.

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Many more Creative Home Schooling tips can be found at

Practical Homeschooling For You and Your Child

If you have decided to forgo the school systems and to teach your child at home, a little bit of practical homeschooling advice may help you to do so successfully. After all, homeschooling is something that has really only entered into the mainstream in the past decade or so. Before that time, many parents would never have thought about teaching their children at home but now, it seems to be one of the healthiest choices that is available.

Although you may be able to get some good advice from the practical homeschooling magazine, there are plenty of ways for you to get tips that will help you to raise a balanced child. Many parents find that teaching their children at home presents some challenges, especially when it comes to learning the curriculum. Other than that, however, it can be one of the most pleasant experiences that a parent and a child can enjoy together.

One of the things that your child may be missing to a certain extent whenever you are teaching them at home is interaction with other children. For this reason, many parents of homeschooled children will seek out other parents who have like ideals. This will give the children the opportunity to enjoy the company of others their own age. There are many other practical homeschooling tips that can be found both in the magazines and through a variety of websites on the Internet. Take the time to learn as much as you can about it so that your child will grow to be balanced and healthy as a result of their home education.

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Many more practical homeschooling tips can be found at