Homeschool Preschool - 5 Reasons to Teach Your Child at Home

Many parents are homeschooling preschool instead of sending their young children to preschool away from home. Here are 5 reasons you should homeschool preschool.

1. Children will learn in their own time, and many 3 and 4 year-olds aren't ready for a structured classroom environment. Forcing preschoolers into strict learning environments can produce anxiety and reduce a love for learning. Young children learn best in an environment that is free from competition and pressure to perform.

2. We have all seen children clinging tightly to their mother's leg, begging not to be sent into the classroom alone. Some preschoolers aren't ready for large amounts of time away from their parents. Many children still need one on one attention, frequent hugs and a familiar lap to sit on.

3. Negative social behaviors such as cliques, teasing and bullying can begin as young as age 3 or 4. Many preschoolers internalize these negative experiences, and become insecure, shy and withdrawn. When parents homeschool preschool, they have an opportunity to observe and coach their children during difficult interactions and teach their children positive social skills.

4. By homeschooling preschool, parents can model positive behavior for their children. At home, preschoolers also have plenty of opportunities to learn to share with siblings, manage feelings and serve their family members. These early years are an excellent time to build good habits and reinforce family values.

5. The preschool years pass much too quickly, and once those moments are lost, they will not return. Parents who homeschool their preschoolers have more time to spend time bonding with their children. Homeschooling creates special family memories that give children the security and confidence they will need to thrive when they leave home.

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Here is some additional information about homeschooling preschoolers.

Carletta Sanders is a homeschool mom of 3. For homeschool information and activities delivered directly to your inbox, sign up for her homeschool newsletter.

Homeschool Parents & Kids - Learn How to Find Others Who is Homeschooled in Your Area

Homeschool parents, or those considering homeschooling, often wonder if they're the only ones in their area. With the latest Department of Education study citing over 1 million homeschooling families, that is not likely. Finding other homeschoolers, however, may not always be easy. You need to know where to look.

One common place where you might find other homeschoolers are local churches. While not every homeschooler is Christians, and it obviously isn't a requirement, many homeschoolers are. Even if you aren't a regular church-goer, you might consider attending some services to see if there are other homeschoolers there. Of course this can apply to a synagogue or mosque as well.

Libraries are another good place to seek homeschoolers. Many homeschooling parents use the local library as a source for learning materials. If you go to the library and see children there during normal school hours, it's very probable they are homeschooled children, and a parent is probably nearby. You could also ask the librarian if she knows of any homeschoolers. Most likely she will because they are probably some of her best patrons.

Try bringing your kids to the park during normal school hours; you may run into another homeschooling family there enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. They may even be doing something to related to school projects. In any case, local parks are a great place to find homeschoolers.

Keep your eyes open while shopping at the grocery store; many homeschoolers use real life activities like grocery shopping to teach rather than just depending on books. If you see children standing around the produce isle with calculators, it's likely they're working on their math lessons.

Of course, the Internet is a great place to find homeschoolers in your area. Try doing a searchs for "homeschool groups (your county or city name)" As there are homeschoolers in every state of the union, you'll almost certainly find some close by. If for some reason you don't find anyone locally, you can still find support online through any number of Yahoo homeschooling groups.

As you look for homeschooling families locally, don't be afraid to approach parents that you see out and about during regular school hours. Most homeschooling parents are used to being asked why their children aren't in school anyway!. They won't be offended, and asking questions is a wonderful way to find other homeschoolers, not to mention just meeting new acquaintances. Chances are very good that you may find there are more homeschoolers in your area than you first thought.

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Great resources and answers to your homeschooling questions - pick up The Complete Homeschool Guide at:

Best Home Schooling Resources - An Introduction

Statistical records suggest that home schooling has gained a lot of popularity since past few years. It is likely that you are one among several parents interested in home schooling. There are a few information resources,considered as the best home schooling resources. You will certainly find them useful.

The one great benefit of providing home schooling to your children is the amount of quality time you will able to spend with them. Just remember that it is a time that you can never get back, which makes it all the more vital benefit.

Another benefit of getting a good home schooling resource is that your desire to care about your children will be prominently registered in their mind. Your children will realize that you are doing everything possible to ensure happiness for them.

A search on the internet will get you links to some useful websites about home schooling. One of the better ones is a website about the Teach at Home Company. It is full of home schooling information, including subjects such as lessons, money, software, supplies and materials, homework helpers, books and video, and more.

Another good source is The Home school Company. This company claims that home schooling provided by them is great for a number of reasons, like

*their learning style will be identified

*all material will be presented in a format that honors their style

*each child will be encouraged to follow his or her interests

*each child will be honored as an individual

*each child will be encouraged to play and be a kid.

Then there is one more by the name Time 4 Learning, which offers a mix and match of activities. It makes a valid point about how important choosing the right home school material is for your children to make the most of home schooling.

It is time for you to get started and begin teaching your children from home, once you have decided about the best home schooling resource for your child.

Author Info:

Laxmi Keshav does research in many topics. Get started now, visit here - homeschooling versus public schooling and chrisitian schools international home schooling