Brain Game for Kids - Downtime

Waiting in line or stuck in traffic, this is a super activity when you have bored kids. And this fun brain-builder takes only seconds to prepare and costs nothing at all!

Think of a common item that each child is familiar with. Ask one child to explain what the item is usually used for. Then allow other children a chance to name an unusual use for the same object (such as using an egg beater to tousle your hair or create bubbles in the bathtub). Older children should be able to come up with a greater number of uses. Encourage creative responses! Take turns to see how many uses each can think of. Let the kids discuss and brainstorm.

Variation 1:

Let the kids pantomime using a familiar object in an unusual way . Everyone else can try to guess what item is being used. It's a game of brain charades.

Variation 2:

Select one item and have each child write down ten ways to use it. Then have each child read his or her responses while everyone crosses off the answers that are not unique. The person with the most unique, but still plausible, responses wins.

Some possible items to choose are:

  • spoon
  • bathtub
  • ribbon
  • thumbtack
  • egg carton
  • hair brush
  • car
  • wallet
  • shoe box
  • needle
  • shovel
  • lipstick
  • pencil
  • yardstick
  • spatula
  • cup
  • purse
  • blanket
  • piece of paper
  • roll of tape
  • book
  • key chain
  • chair
  • pear
  • nail file
  • vegetable steamer
  • paper clip
  • shovel
  • stapler
  • piece of chalk

Have fun broadening your mind and increasing your critical thinking skills together!

Author Info:

Alison is a homeschooling mom of six children, ages 4-20. Married for over 22 years, she and he husband have used their greatest brain power educating their children. Alison is a public speaker, blogger, singer, author, and chocolate lover. She's is the co-founder of the BookWise Winners. Please visit the BookWise Bookstore for great selection and prices-and grab your free Classic Book Package just for ordering.

Alison's new book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Homeschooling is slated for publication in the spring of 2008.

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