Homeschooling - 6 Reasons Why You Should Home School Your Children

Here are reasons why you shouldn't send your kids to traditional school:

1. Out Dated Education Systems.

2. Oversized classes.

3. Continuous Budget Cuts.

4. Rising Criminal Activity in School.

5. Mediocrity.

6. Lack of Wealth Building Education.

Out Dated Education Systems:

The education that they are teaching the kids in school has not been changed since the baby boomers were attending. They are teaching industrial age education in this information age. The system really needs to be overhauled because we are living in a completely different world than the industrial age. What worked for Grand Daddy sure isn't going to cut it for our children when they graduate. More kids leave school these days deep in debt before they even get a job or a good start in life. Something tells me that they don't really want the population to get too smart. Something is definitely wrong with this picture don't you think? Right now they (authorities) expect us to be dumb enough to buy their excuse that the reason for the price hike in fuel is due to a supply & demand issue. Do you really think that there is not enough gas to go around? Then why are all of the automobile manufacturers overproducing gas guzzling SUV's including Toyota who used to be known for their small compact cars?

Oversized classes:

Class sizes used to be around 20 - 25 students not too long ago. Nowadays 30 - 35 seems to be the norm. Do you think that the teachers can handle a class that size? They can only handle what they can handle, period. Can you blame them? They only get paid so much to do their job. Most teachers will only work consistently with the main achievers in the class. Sure there are some teachers who really take pride in their jobs & are willing to the extra mile with their students but they represent the minority. If your child is a difficult learner then he or she won't get the same treatment that the achievers will.

Continuous Budget Cuts:

The government spends a lot more in war & space exploration than in educating your children who will be the taking over when & if we ever get to retire. When they do allocate money to education, most of it goes to the public schools than the higher levels. Cut backs are the main reasons why our average class size is 30 - 35 students. They are cutting back on hiring enough professionals to teach the students. They are even cutting back on books & supplies. I have even heard of schools without soap regularly in the rest rooms in many public schools throughout the US & Canada.

Rising Criminal Activity in School:

This has got to be one of the biggest worries that a parent could go through. We all heard stories of the Columbine Highschool Shooting; well this kind of thing seems to be a growing worry for authorities. Almost every month you hear of some kind of incident involving a gun in our schools.


They are teaching our kids how to settle with less than what they are worth instead of teaching them about how great they can be. Our children are not sheep to feed the economy. They deserve the best & it won't come from traditional school. The middle class is quickly disappearing in the US & Canada & the main reason is because of all this mediocrity that they are trying to get everyone to swallow. Maybe that's why there are so many people that believe everything that the media (the government's tool) tells them nowadays.

Lack of Wealth Building Education:

When was the last time you heard of a class that teaches you how to become a Millionaire? The closest thing that comes close to teaching success is maybe a course in business or managerial skills. Most of these classes are geared around working for a company instead of how to build an empire.

These 6 reasons should be more than enough to get you thinking about what they are actually teaching your children in school. I would encourage you to look in to these issues a little more before you even consider taking your kids out of school.

Teaching your children on your own can be overwhelming for someone without any experience but it is definitely possible.

Education is not a priority for the government. I don't think they really want the masses to get too smart.

What do you think?

Author Info:

My wife & I have been homeschooling our children for the past 4 years. The vice principal told us that we were making a big mistake. She said that we couldn't handle it. Well that was 4 years ago & it really wasn't haf as hard as we thought it would be.

See how we both are able to stay home with our kids:

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