Tutoring Requirements

Essential Requirements to Be a Tutor

Self employment tutors are free to choose when and how to tutor. In order to start you own tutoring business it is essential to be a true professional. A good reputation is mostly based on a good service. The following suggestions can help you make a check list of all the right aptitudes you will need to be on top of your game!

- As explored in the last article, it is essential to be confident: a thorough knowledge of your subject and a good aptitude at passing on your skills is foundational to all tutors.

- Always be punctual and reliable. This is the least clients expect from you and can make you look unprofessional if you overlook these basic requirements.

- Chose an appropriate dress code for a professional approach. Remember, you must reassure the client that you are serious, especially during the first meetings.

- Develop a good rapport with the student and parents. Express your self clearly, be articulate and direct. This sends the right type of message and helps both parents and students to relax. If English is not your maternal language and that you make a special effort to be clear and articulate, it will give you extra respect and consideration from you client. It is essential to be able to communicate with parents and pupils in English even if your classes are in your maternal language.

- Be well organized, and prepare each lesson in advance. Never waste your client's time!

- When meeting with your client for the first time, have a complete CV prepared, along with references and a CRB disclosure. These documents should be available to the employer from the start, so that they can be fully assured of your competence and trustworthiness before taking any further steps. This helps to establish a base of professionalism and trust from the start.

- Assess your student's abilities in order to adapt your lessons to each individual. It is your role to decide of the level, methods and content used during your lessons, but you must do so in a knowing, attentive way, by being receptive of your student's needs and abilities.

- A tutor should be able to give enthusiastic and enjoyable lessons. The ability to make your subject interesting is a gift, but can be improved on. Be constant in your enthusiasm and leave your mood / personal life at the door: this is the true mark of the professional Tutor.

- Give reasonable outcome expectations and a plan for both students and parents from the start. It is their right as clients to be involved as much as possible.

- You will need to provide, or be provided with a suitable area of study. The study area needs to be clean and tidy and more importantly, free of interruptions. It would be very unprofessional for tutors to leave their phone on, or accept interruptions by family members. Be polite and gentle but firm. Make sure both you (as the tutor) and the student remove any outside interruptions from day one (Turn off those phones, and close that door).

Location is covered in more detail in the next article.

Next >> Where To Tutor From

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Local tutor, a free friendly Tuition resource for Tutor and those looking for Tutors

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