Homeschooling Preschool - 5 Ways to Make Learning Simple and Fun

Homeschooling preschool gives you an opportunity to encourage your child to love learning and exploration. You don't need an early education degree to teach your preschooler. Here are some simple ways to homeschool preschool:

  1. Your child can learn basic math and reading skills by acting as your little assistant. Involve your preschooler in your errands and activities. Have your child assist you as you measure ingredients for dinner, count the number of apples to put in the grocery sack, and keep track of the time until your next appointment. Helping with household chores is a great way to strengthen small motor skills. Chores also help your preschooler develop responsibility and feel like part of the team.
  2. Talk to your child throughout the day. Read labels and signs to your preschooler, and explain why you do things a certain way. Remember that you are primarily a parent, not a teacher. You don't need to prepare fancy lessons on community helpers, health and safety. Simply go about daily life with your child and answer any questions he or she has along the way.
  3. Reduce television and computer time to less than an hour each day. Spend afternoons playing at the park or taking nature walks around your neighborhood. By staying physically active, you are establishing a foundation of health and fitness, and helping your child develop gross motor skills.
  4. Create a learning environment in your home by providing your child with materials that encourage imagination, creativity and open-ended play. Stock an area of your home with different types of paper, paint, markers and other art supplies. Stock another area with blocks, cars, trucks, trains and miniature people. Fill a box with various clothing items, pots and pans, toy food and other materials for pretend play. Then set up a quiet area with math manipulatives, puzzles and books. You now have a preschool in your home!
  5. When you begin formal lessons, keep them short and simple. End the lessons before your child is ready to stop. If you notice your child becoming frustrated, end the activity for the day. One of the best ways to teach your budding student is to read to him or her daily.

Your preschooler has plenty of time to learn the details of reading, writing and arithmetic. Take time during these early years to focus on the basics and make learning fun!

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Here are some additional tips and ideas for homeschooling preschool.

Carletta Sanders is a homeschool mom of 3. For homeschool information and activities delivered directly to your inbox, sign up for her homeschool newsletter.

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