Homeschooling - 7 Essentials To Help You Find The Best Resources And Curriculum

What do you really need to home school? Here are some essentials that I think should be used:

1. Use all the senses as much as possible. Throw the ball back and forth when doing math facts, listen to Cds about history or science, color code your spelling words, etc...

2. Read aloud to your children. Let them play legos or crochet or do puzzles while you read if they have trouble sitting still.

3. Get the basics - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. When you know how to read you can learn almost anything. Use Mad Libs for elementary grammar. Use flashcards to teach math facts. Have your children write about anything they want and write a page each day.

4. Put away what you got out. This is an important skill for kids to learn. It helps keep Mom sane to!

5. Answer their questions and take them to interesting places. Do your best to be tuned in when they ask you a question and find the answer with them if you don't know it. You don't have to take them on a major field trip for them to see interesting places. Just weave this into your natural life and enjoy their company.

6. Watch your children. What skills, talents, and passions do you observe? Help them develop these passions and they will love learning.

7. Model learning. When you need to know something or want to learn something new, do your children see you reading a book or looking for the answer? Make sure you are learning about things that you are interested in. Do you want to learn how to crochet, water ski, grow a garden? There are so many things out there for us to learn. If our children see us learning they will follow.

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For more tips on how to homeschool, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

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