21st Century Homeschooling - Spelling and Landing Jetliners - How to Teach Both, Well

Some things are learned so inadvertently that we could call it a revelation. When small pieces of knowledge are revealed to us it can be an awe inspiring moment. I had the privilege of experiencing this just the other day on a drive to Costco with my ten year old daughter. Here is what transpired.

Jump in the car, music going, talking and laughing about all the things we needed to get at Costco. My daughter and I often pop into get groceries. Chatting about the world and all its little bits of weirdness.

My daughter and I have quite a bit in common. Listening to each others music is one of them. We find great joy in trying to remember words and sing along in our best American Idol voices! This day we picked up a mum and kid hitchhiking. The chatting keeps up and we all chat about our recent experiences, what we like to eat and how much we have learned in the last 20 years. My daughter hands out my business card, enthusiastically sharing my latest project with our new passengers.

We bid them farewell and we continue on toward Costco which is right next to the airport. In seeing a large plane I mentioned how difficult it must be to fly one of those machines.

"So big and bulky. For sure I would crash if I had to land one of those!" I exclaimed.

"Really?" my daughter threw back at me.

"Yeah, I can't land a plane." I said back.

"Well if it were a choice between dying and landing the plane, I would land the plane." shared my daughter.

I sat there my heart so huge and a smile just running across my face.

"You would land the plane?" I asked point blank.

"Yes I would." she stated emphatically.

I can't tell you how moved I felt. My ten year old kid was telling me she would do everything she could in order to land a plane! Incredible. And I was worried about whether I could teach her the basics as a home schooling mum? The kid is willing to learn - under extreme duress - to land a commercial airliner!

In educating people we must ask what we are trying to achieve. Sometimes if we let life be lived passionately, achieving might just come naturally. Whether we are learning to spell or land a commercial jetliner having purpose, passion and a will to succeed are key. We are sure to teach both well when we support passionate, purposeful learning experiences, whilst embracing the learners natural will to succeed.

Happy homeschooling and literally reach for the skies. Our kids are.

Author Info:

Margit Barreras is the mother of three children and an avid homeschool teacher and supporter. Always looking at new ways to teach and learn she has founded http://www.2Think2Learn.com to help better the learning outcomes for all students.

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