Homeschooling in the 21st Century - 7 Teaching Tips to Promote Student Learning as a Parent

Tip 1: Create a supportive learning environment.

Students are more inclined to succeed when provided with an accepting and supportive environment. It is paramount students enjoy positive relations with fellow students and teachers as part of a caring, inclusive learning environment. As parent/teachers participating in a homeschool setting we must be sure to positively engage our children in learning. When children experience negative emotions in combination with a learning experience they may try to avoid any future experiences at all costs!

Tip 2: Celebrate reflective thinking and actions.

When a student is able to stand back and understand the path that was taken on a journey in learning their ability to objectively see this solidifies the learning. The experience of reflection helps us to assimilate the new learning that is taking place. As a parent/teacher be mindful of looking only for correct answers. Having your child reflect on their work is more important than whether or not it was correct.

Tip 3: Enhance the relevance of new learning.

We are more likely to remember what makes sense to us. Developing relevant learning experiences for your learners will result in more effective learning. As a parent/teacher use your home, environment and curriculum as tools in learning. Everyday experiences need to be integrated into learning. Your student is NEVER too old to learn by life experience.

Tip 4: Give room for shared learning.

Effective teachers embrace their class as a learning community giving opportunity for all members - including the teacher - to take part in shared learning. Learning is taken further when students are encouraged to work and reflect on ideas as a group. I often reflect that some of my most poignant parent/teacher moments were when I was learning right alongside my children. There were times when I genuinely had no clue and investigated right along with the team. They often cottoned on quicker than me!

Tip 5: Connect new knowledge to prior learning experiences.

When new learning is integrated with prior learning students will benefit greatly. Effective teaching involves building methodically on what students know and have experienced previously and anticipating the needs that might arise. The advantage we have as parent/teachers is time. We are given many opportunities to re-visit concepts and tie them in with new ones. It could be 7.30 pm and life may spring an opportunity to tie in a piece of knowledge to solidify the learning for the day!!

Tip 6: Give opportunities to learn!

Dishing out worksheets and having students fill them in does not a learning opportunity make. Many students are not afforded the time to practice, engage with and transfer new learning. Effective teachers facilitate genuine opportunities for practice. As parent/teachers we can get a little wrapped up in getting a result. We must give our children the room to just explore concepts without assessment. Rehearsing the steps for creating a wonderful painting is as important as the painting itself.

Tip 7: Understand the impact of your own teaching.

Effective teaching practice requires teachers to inquire in to the impact their teaching is having on their students. Teachers need to understand where their students are at before they start. Teachers then need to understand what strategies they might engage in to effectively the given outcomes for their group. When we look at the results of our teaching we need to be able to understand how these results might change our future plans in approach. As parent/teachers we have to be brutally honest about what does and doesn't work. Having the courage to admit something is not working can be difficult. Getting over this hurdle and being able to change our approach as the needs of our students change will bring much success.

Essentially as teachers we are leading a group of people through experiences that will help prepare them for their future. Creating positive experiences creates positive learners and participants in society.

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