Homeschool Field Trips - How to Plan and What to Take

Field trips can enhance any home school. They provide opportunities for learning that just can't take place in the home. The more senses you use, the more you will remember what you learned. Field trips provide a better opportunity to use more sense and experience learning at a deeper level. Whether you go on field trips because your child has an interest in a certain subject or because you want to spark an interest in a certain subject, there are some basic tips you can use to make any field trip successful:

1. Get the details ahead of time. Where is the place located exactly. What did we do without yahoo maps and GPS's? What time does the tour start? What are the hours for this location?

2. Bring snacks and water for your family. Whether you leave them in the car or take them in with you, keeping your family properly hydrated will make the trip more enjoyable for everyone. Nothing ruins a field trip more than hungry and thirsty children.

3. Make sure all the families in your group know what is expected. Do they know when you want to meet? If people in your group tend to be late it might be a good idea to state that everyone should meet 15 minutes beforehand to collect money and be sure everyone is there.

4. Do you know why you are going on this field trip? Read a few brochures or books about where you are going so that you are familiar with what you are going to see. Think of questions you might want to ask when you get there.

5. Make sure the place you are going knows the age range of the group of people you are bringing. Most places can adjust their talk or tour accordingly. They want you to be happy and enjoy their site so that you can come again and recommend them to others.

6. Take your camera! This seems to be the one piece of equipment that gets left at home when our family goes on a field trip. The pictures are fun to take, especially with a digital camera. It will help your children remember the trip and you can use it for future scrapbook practice if you choose.

7. Write a thank you note when you get home. You can write the note and have your children add a line or two or they can each write their own notes. It is good practice for them to be thankful and the people at the field trip site will really appreciate being thanked.

Whether you are taking a field trip around the block or across the country, if you use these field trip tips you will have a greater chance of having an enjoyable and educational trip.

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For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

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