How to Choose the Best Homeschool Books for Your Kids

Many people think they have to spend a lot of money just to get worthwhile homeschool books and homeschool curriculum, but that isn't so. Just by researching on your own, you can locate plenty of resources to help you custom-make your own curriculum without losing all your money.

In my opinion it is so much better to make your own curriculum. That way, it won't be so hard to make last minute changes that suit the needs of your child. If you discover a method that works better for you and your child, you can easily add it.

We get together as a family to choose literature for the semester. We make it a goal to try and finish five to seven books in each semester. We don't go out of our way to buy specialized homeschool books for vocabulary or spelling. We just use the literature we've chosen for this.

For instance, my kids will work on words and definitions by writing them in a notebook. Next week, these will also be their spelling words. When we do history lessons, we study the time period of the classic literature we've been reading. Similarly, science lessons become an extension of the literature study when we review scientific discoveries of the period.

When we format our homeschooling like this, it leads to some fascinating discussions at mealtimes.

When you approach learning this way, you have the flexibility to make adjustments according to your child's interest: You can study a work of literature in-depth, or you can just cover the basic facts. Unlike the hard rules of homeschool books, you can freely make changes when you create your own curriculum.

When we study math, we do use homeschool books. However, we go to extra effort to turn the math worksheets into something more interesting: We try to make it so that the kids are applying math skills in real life situations. We do lots of cooking when we're working with fractions, for example.

It's important to understand your child's interests and needs, since this is a key component in creating curriculum for your child. When you build your own curriculum, you are better able to help your child in ways that the public school system couldn't. There is no need to spend a lot of money on homeschool books. You can use great literature as building blocks to create curriculum that fits your family's needs.

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Unleash the power of Homeschool Books and join the Raise a Leader Revolution. Your child can be a True Leader.

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