Every parent wants his or her child to be successful in life. More than once we have entertained the thought of how great they will be once they have turned into adults.Our wish is for them to achieve much more than we have.
What many of us don't realize, is that God has already provided for them to be successful and great. God has created each one of our children for a unique purpose on this earth.
And it is our responsibility to lead them to walk in it.
Overwhelmed? True. Our daily routine sometimes looks so chaotic that we can't imagine how we could ever achieve that.
Nevertheless, there are certain guidelines we can follow that will guarantee success:
1.-First of all, keep close to God. Make reading the Bible and praying your number one priority, no matter how crazy your day is. God knows better than anyone what is good for your child. Learn to hear His voice. This is a guaranteed success formula for all areas of your life.
2.-Discover all the promises God has for your children in the Bible. If you have made Jesus the Lord of your life, then you are in a Covenant relationship with God Himself. That is like having signed a lifelong contract with Him. And the promises are part of it.
Start with Isaiah 54: 13. "All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children"
Phew, what a relief. He will teach them.
Here is my favorite one: "Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people. All who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the posterity whom the Lord has blessed."(Isaiah 61:9)
Read these verses and burn them into your brain.Write them all over your house, or better still, memorize them. All of Gods promises are received by faith, and faith comes by constantly hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17)
Next time you are exasperated about your dear daughter, or son, claim those verses and speak them over their lives. God is faithful, and He has never broken a promise.
3.- Be a good model for them. Whether you like it or not, your children are watching you. Maybe you will have to make some changes. But it is not that hard. Don't try to tackle this with your own strength. It won't work. Rely on God to give you the grace, His divine and supernatural power, to change the weak spots in your life.
Spending time daily with the kindest person in the Universe will powerfully impact your life. It will automatically change you. You will notice that you will become wiser, more patient and more loving.
4.- Read biographies of great leaders together. Make this the most fun time of the day. Choose a good book. Cuddle up on your sofa and get inspired by the great achievements of other men and women throughout history.
Discussions about the book will arise very naturally. Let them talk and don't just impose your opinion. That will
spur their minds. As you analyze the victories and failures of the hero, you can teach them how to apply Biblical wisdom to their own lives.
5.- Give them enough free time to pursue their own interests. This will allow them to develop their God-given talents in a very natural way. Don't clutter their day with unnecessary extracurricular activities. Just give them big blocks of free time to explore their own little world.
Oh yes, and restrict the classical time robbers and brain killers: the TV and computer games.
6.- Identify their talents and gifts. Once you see a particular talent flourishing in them, identify it and talk to them about it. God is giving you a clue about his plan for your children's lives. Praise them and tell them how good they are at this. Help them to develop their gifts and talents.This way you will inspire your child to love learning, and will ultimately develop their entrepreneurial skills.
Don't push them to achieve something they are not ready for. Children are so different, and you cannot treat all of them alike. One of my children started to read at four, and the other at fourteen. And that's okay. Both of them have written a number of books, and they are constantly engaged in their own learning process, each one at his own level.
7.- Good leaders need good mentors. Be very picky with teachers. Whenever you are led to recur to a teacher other than yourself, provide your children with a good mentor. A good mentor has to be:
• An expert in his field.
• Be of high moral character.
• Have good communicating skills.
• Willing to share his secrets.
8.- A good leader has to be prepared to analyze and solve real life situations well. Share as much of your own life with your child. Tell them about your problems, the decisions you have to make, and how you are going to face these situations.
Don't be afraid to tell them about your mistakes. They will learn that adults make mistakes too, and that you can learn from them. This will help them to analyze and solve real life problems. It is also a great opportunity to teach them Biblical wisdom.
9.- Good leaders serve, bad leaders control. Teach your children to be generous. Don't bury them in toys, teach them to bless others instead. Probably one of the biggest mistakes well-meaning parents make in our consumer-oriented society is that of allowing their children to wallow in self-indulgence.
Teach them to share and to serve others. You can start at home by assigning them different tasks and chores. This is the best character training method there is. Watch their heart, don't just focus on outer obedience. This is a challenge. Changes in attitude won't happen overnight, but they will get it.
10.-Have fun together and express your love to them. All parents love their children, but not all children feel loved by their parents. Invest your time in them.You will have their heart and they will always be willing to listen to you, even when they are grown ups.
"One hundred years from now it will not matter what sort of house you had, or what kind of car you drove, or what your bank account was. But the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child".
Author Info:
I'd like to help you find out how you can teach your children leadership traits, entrepreneurial skills, and a love of learning! Visit http://www.Self-DirectedLearningForSuccess.com for tips and tools for creating and growing in your own learning process. Learn how to teach yourself in my FREE e-book: The Power of Self-Directed Learning, and my FREE e-course: Seven Steps to Consistently Change Your Life.
From Bettina Langerfeldt, who enjoys teaching people how to pursue their God-given gifts and talents by designing their own education with self-directed learning.
© 2008 Freedompioneer