Do You Want Your Child To Have Great Achievements? Use This Now!

There are more and more successful cases that parents are choosing home schooling rather than main stream schools. How to weigh the benefits of home schooling? It is only when your child succeed later in his or her life. His achievements would be attributed to your hard work.

What Is Home Schooling?

With so much debate and controversies on the pretext of home schooling on whether the child is benefiting from this type of education. Having said that, home schooling is legal in the US, with issues currently debating and some are thinking of banning this procedure if there are evidence that the children do not benefit from such an education.

What are the reasons that parents are turning away from traditional education to homeschooling?

Most parents are hesitant to put their children in special designed school if they are suffering from mental or physical disabilities. Another reason is that they cannot attend normal schools. Parents like to notion that they can have instance supervision on what their kid is studying as they, themselves are the teachers. The child safety are being taken care of all the times. It is beneficial for most single parent who works at home as it is more convenient to know how their children are faring on their studies.

When you see your child's achievements, you realized that your efforts in teaching have finally paid off. This is in fact one of the greatest benefit of home schooling. However, there are some benefits of that I will be discussing:

Bonding will be lost with their children when they send them away to school. You will acquire valuable teaching and leaning experience with your child every day. You are responsible for the results of your kids that you can directly praise or blame them.

Although parents like to benefits of home schooling, but they also have to take note the disadvantages as well.

The home schooled child could be missing on interaction with other kids about the same age as him or her. This may be one of the major disadvantages of home schooling. Parents are getting too strict or sometimes too lenient when performing the teacher's role, this is bad for the child as he or she might be resistance in learning. Parents may not be equipped with the necessary academic knowledge and teaching ability.

For those parents already taken up home schooling for their kids, they will have to do their best and believe that they can get the benefits of home schooling finally. However, for those who are still considering, it is better to think of all perspectives before making the decision. Please do not have high hopes on the benefits of home schooling, for that you might get disappointed leaving you and your child with emotional stress.

Author Info:

The author Eddy Kong has more than one interesting site - take a look at his good homeschooling strategies site and also his free learning tools for preschoolers similar articles.

Applicable Home Schooling Methods

Home schooling is one of the finest options for students who need special needs, certain educational beliefs that do not go well with traditional lesson plans, or regular scheduling issues. Majority of parents are not satisfied and happy with the performance of their children at school. Home schooling is regarded as the best tool to observe the progress of a child in making him or her capable of handling the educational pressure and also to provide the complete learning cycle in class.

Home schooling skills are specially acquired skills to reach out to troubled children and help them in every aspect to do well in their studies. You can add so much of experimentation and philosophies into the study methodologies to make it a real fun. With so much variety to the home school methods and practices, children will realize their worth and will able to learn fast. Let's take a look at some of these methods.

Structured Home schooling

This particular method is also known as "School-at-home" or "Traditional", where students are taught in a traditional school setting. Here, parents act as initial teachers and try to help their child in their studies or curriculum. Nowadays, packaged curriculum materials are also available and parents can easily purchase it from the market.

Classical Education

The expert resources in this method teach subjects through main three ways:

Grammar - In this phase, grammar or concepts are being taught to get the basic clearly.

Logic - Here, critical thinking is given importance and children are expected to apply logic for solving problems.

Rhetoric - In this phase, proper evaluation of information is done by students, which is followed by healthy information.

The Montessori Method

In this process of learning, students are understood as both teacher and student. Here, learning is considered as a natural and self-directed process. Also, this method tells that children are free to experiment and learn with the results.

The child is free to learn at his/her own pace by interacting with and responding to the environment. The parent or teacher, acting as "keeper of the environment," is supposed to create an engaging setting that encourages the child to explore and react with the surroundings. For younger students, this even includes providing child-sized learning tools such as small chairs and tables.

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The aforementioned article has been contributed by the webmaster of An online tutor database where you can find a tutor for all subjects. Find a chemistry tutor, science tutor and more in your local area.

Socialization Opportunities For Homeschoolers

Most homeschoolers get asked the question, "What about Socialization?" If you have been home schooling for any length of time, you can just smile because you know there are plenty of opportunities for socialization. Homeschool children interact with people much more than people think. Here are some opportunities for socialization:

1. Extracurricular Activities - These can be paid for by the parents or offered free through the community. Your child can take classes like gymnastics, ballet, dance, pottery, jewelry making, drawing, tennis, golf, martial arts, swimming, babysitting classes, and many other community activities.

2. Homeschool Support Group or Cooperative Events - Many home school groups offer weekly or monthly classes or events. There are also seasonal events like Science fairs, spelling bees, and field trips. Some groups even have talent nights or offer special rates for lessons at area businesses. There may also be opportunities to attend special musical or theatrical performances as a group.

3. Socializing with siblings and parents - Many people overlook the fact that home school children usually have to interact with their family members all day long. Those are sometimes the most challenging relationships to maintain. Children learn many problem solving skills when interacting with members of their own family all day.

4. Community Sponsored Activities - Many communities have recreation departments that offer team sports like basketball, soccer, volleyball and more. Don't overlook bowling leagues and swim teams either. Some communities also have community choirs, bands and drama groups where your children can participate.

5. Church Activities - Sports teams can be a great outreach opportunity for local churches. Look for these so your children can participate too. Choir and band programs are sometimes available for children to perform and learn. Youth groups sometimes need members to perform in a band playing an instrument or singing. If your church doesn't have a program like these, then maybe you and your children could start one.

6. School Activities - Many schools will allow your children to participate in choir, drama and art classes. For younger grades there are various Biddy programs that are open to all the children in the community. Students are always welcome to attend sporting events when they pay admission. These can be great family outings where you interact with the community and get to see a game.

If you keep your eyes open and interact with people, you will be able to find plenty of ways for your children to socialize with others.

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For more tips on homeschooling, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at

Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Home School Curriculum - Do I Need It?

Home school curriculum and books are plentiful. Choosing from the huge selection can be overwhelming. Do you really need to purchase a home school curriculum or can you save some money and home school with books alone? Here are some thoughts that can help you make your decision:

1. You need a core plan - Whether you purchase a home school curriculum or develop your own, you need to know what you want to accomplish. What do you think your child should be doing each day? What do you want them to know and understand by the time the school year is over?

2. Focus on reading, writing and arithmetic - Any good home school program focuses on the basics. Make sure you address the core subjects and know what you want to accomplish there before you add any other subjects to your list.

3. Know how you and your child learn best - Learning style plays a key role in how you and your children will learn. In public school teachers can't really teach based on learning style because of the volume of students they have to work with. But a home school parent can certainly know their child's learning style and use resources to support that. If you don't know yours or your child's learning style you can take an assessment online and find out. Then when you decide to choose curriculum or books you will know what types of resources you need. You might even save yourself a lot of frustration in the long run.

4. Use your resources - In the early days of home schooling there wasn't much available to parents. That is definitely not the case now. There is almost too much information available now. You have the internet, library and a host of used curriculum sites where you can get books and resources at a fraction of the cost.

5. Do you use a curriculum to learn something yourself? Think about what you do when you want to learn about something. Do you buy a curriculum to learn or do you read books, listen to audio and watch videos? Your children need to see you have a love for learning. You can learn about how to cook, sew, garden, remodel your house, improve your skills at a job, etc.

Even though purchasing a curriculum can give you a feeling of security knowing that everything your child needs to know will be covered, be careful that you don't take on too much and get burned out. If you focus on the basics and know what you want to accomplish, then you can make an informed decision as to whether you will need to purchase a curriculum or whether you can just use books and resources to accomplish the same goals.

Author Info:

For more tips on how to homeschool, grab your free report "How to Homeschool using the Best Resources" at Heidi Johnson specializes in helping families find resources to simplify and improve their lives.

Seven Things You Can Do While You Homeschool Through High School

Why would you want to homeschool through high school? Do the advantages really make it worth while? My husband and I homeschooled all four of our boys from kindergarten into early college, and we'd do it all over again in a minute. It was a joyous journey! Here are seven reasons you may want to consider Here are seven reasons you may want to consider homeschooling through high school.

Home educated teens have time to:

Build Strong Relationships

As my boys have grown through their teen years and into adulthood, it's been a joy watch our relationship develop and change. Without negative peer influences teaching them that they shouldn't like or respect their parents, the boys have remained a delightful part of the family. It's fun to have real conversations with your young people, and to see them bring their own insights, knowledge, and understanding to the discussion.

Get a Jump Start on College

Why spend four years just doing high school, when you could exert a little extra effort and earn college credit at the same time? By taking advantage of college-level exams, community college and online classes, and other opportunities, it's possible to graduate from college when most teens are graduating from high school.

Serve Others Through Volunteering

I've heard it said that teenagers are old enough to be useful, but young enough to be dangerous. One thing that can help a teen through this awkward stage of life is serving others. There are countless volunteer opportunities, formal and informal, within the church and community. Homeschooled teens have the opportunity to learn while meeting real needs for real people.

Start a Microbusiness

What could be better than a summer job flipping burgers? Entrepreneurship, for one thing. Just think-instead of spending time in a mindless entry-level job, teens can start and run small businesses, and not only earn money for the future, but also learn about planning, budgeting, organization, marketing, and customer service, and perhaps even gain experience for a future career.

Do Career Sampling or an Apprenticeship

In traditional school, you're lucky to get one day off each year to shadow a worker at his or her job. Homeschooled teens can try different careers through informal mentoring relationships, formal apprenticeships, or volunteering opportunities.

Develop Special Talents

Have you noticed who is winning spelling and geography bees, music competitions and chess tournaments, debates and robotics competitions? Homeschooled students are often at the very top of these contests. Why? It's because they have time to pursue special interests. If they want to spend three hours a day practicing violin, there are no deadlines. They don't have to put down their instrument after 45 minutes and go rushing off to algebra or soccer. A homeschooler's world lacks arbitrary deadlines, which means they can spend time on things that really matter.

Learn Through Travel

Just over a century ago, well-educated students were expected to complete their schooling with a Grand Tour of the world. While you may not have the resources for a Grand Tour, you can probably travel to nearby historic sites, visit other states, or yes, even travel around the world. By preparing wisely and choosing to travel when rates are low, you can experience different cultures and make unique memories without breaking your budget. Travel can be an education all by itself!

Author Info:

Janice Campbell, author of Get a Jump Start on College! A Practical Guide for Teens; Transcripts Made Easy: The Homeschooler's Guide to High School Paperwork; and the forthcoming Excellence in Literature series, has been writing and speaking in central Virginia since the late 1980's. She homeschooled her four sons from kindergarten into college, using the principles she now shares in her books, blog workshops, and her free e-newsletter. Sign up for it today at

The Benefits of Homeschooling Online

If you homeschool your children, it is very likely that you haven't been able to get very much support from your local school district. You can find many resources by homeschooling online.

If you have an Internet connection, homeschooling online is a great method of ensuring your child is getting a quality education. Especially an education related to world events and skills. There are various ways in which you can homeschool online. You can find traditional high school programs that offer courses over the Internet.

If you live in a state where your child needs to meet a specific curriculum criteria, homeschooling online can usually help you meet those standards. Homeschooling online provides an efficient way of receiving support, curriculum, and a check and balance system that helps your child learn the needed subjects. If your state demands the study of certain subjects and testing, incorporating an online program is a great idea. You don't have to ignore your child's interests; you can just supplement the online program with additional learning.

Homeschooling online doesn't have to be as rigid as traditional high school. If you don't have to meet mandated items in your state, you find resources to help you. There are various homeschooling website that provide lesson plans, forums, and resources. These aids can support you and give you some great curriculum ideas.

Online resources can also be great for creative lesson ideas and researching. There are some websites that are just dedicated to providing lesson plans. Others, however, are more for support. You can also find online encyclopedias, dictionaries, and periodical databases. Homeschooling online provides you the opportunity to teach your child no matter where you are living.

You can also find virtual tours of museums and galleries. This makes learning really fun. You don't have to travel anywhere to see what the world has to offer. There are many learning games you can also find online. This can help change things up once in a while, or you can use online games as a reward for working hard throughout the week.

Homeschooling is a great choice that many parents decide to implement. Homeschooling online can be a beneficial way of making learning more interesting and fun. You can also get a lot of help from other through the web.

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Visit our site for a free report on How to Raise Your Child to Be a True Leader in Perilous Times and try our ground breaking Raise a Leader Program Free for an entire month! Only available through this article. You will not find it on our site.

Homeschooling - To Be Or Not to Be?

Homeschooling your children can sometimes be a controversy among parents. Most parents believe that children do not have proper schooling, unless they are socialized every day with other children. Most parents believe that a mother or father is not capable of teaching their children at home, unless they have a teacher degree. Most parents believe that children do not get all the extra-curricular activities like sports, arts, and music, unless they are enrolled in a secular school. My husband and I believe that that is simply not true, and I will attempt to in the next few paragraphs to prove my point.

Our children have been both to secular school and also homeschooled, so I have learned from both sides of the coin. My husband and I based our decision to homeschool for five years on what we've seen on both sides.

First of all, children get socialization from adults as well as other children while homeschooling, and the wonderful part about that is you know who they are socializing with. When they are in secular school for six and a half hours or more a day away from your home, you have no idea what they are doing or saying and with whom. We have to "trust" the school system to monitor their actions, and with so many children, it's almost impossible to do a thorough job. With homeschooling, you have control of who your children get together with and befriend.

My children and I belong to a Christian homeschool group made up of about 20 families that also homeschool. We all believe in the same priorities for our children and want basically the same ideals for them. Schooling is not just about an education of academics, but also a character-building in our children. What is most important for my husband and I is that we help build strong character and good attitudes in our children by teaching mostly a love for others, good work ethics, and responsibility for their actions. Academics are also important, but don't take center stage. When the children are in secular school, the teachers do not have the time or the desire as a parent does to care about the character or attitude of the children.

Secondly, my husband and I believe that we do not need a teacher degree to school our children at home. There are so many opportunities with different curriculum to have the ability to school your children at home. These curricula basically walk a parent through day-to-day lessons in math, science, language, social studies, history, art, and even music. If you have a diploma from high school, you are simply learning everything all over again along with your child; and if your child is having trouble understanding a certain subject, then you can slow down and reinforce the information until it sinks in. However, in secular school, the teachers are forced to keep moving along whether the children understand what's being taught or not.

Furthermore, with homeschooling, your children are receiving one-on-one attention, rather than competing with 30 other children in a classroom. And I cannot tell you how many times my son would come home from school when he was in secular school complaining that he needed to ask questions about what they were learning that day, and he said the teacher didn't have time to answer them! How frustrating that was for him.

Also, our school days are not as long as the secular school. We typically start our school day around 8:00 a.m. the same as secular school, and if the day goes smoothly by the children understanding each subject allowing us to move on, our day ends around 2:00 p.m. with no homework except a little reading on their own. That's the beauty of homeschooling, and also my children's favorite part. In secular school, the children are there for six and a half hours a day, and then come home with extra work to do for about an hour or so, sometimes more. In my opinion, enough is enough.

Thirdly, our children do not lack in extra-curricular activities, even though they are not in a secular school system. As I mentioned earlier, we belong to a homeschool group with at least 40 other children, and we have soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, and even co-ops for science, writing, music, and art. Yes, of course, not everyone belongs to a homeschool group, but for the encouragement and fellowship with other parents and children, I highly recommend it.

Our children can also learn from other parents what you as a parent lack in education. For example, science and history are not my best subjects, so the other parents that are more skilled in those subjects, through a co-op, actually teach my children how to understand and flourish in them. As a homeschool group, we all help each other to give our children the best education, not just academically, but in all aspects of their life.

In closing, if you are contemplating schooling your children at home, don't just take my word for it. Do the research online and find out about what other parents are using for curriculum, for activities, and for social groups. I guarantee we can make you a believer in homeschooling when you find out the benefits of it compared to what a secular school system can offer your children. It could mean the difference between a well-balanced, well-educated child compared to one that was just shuffled through school and left behind academically.

Author Info:

Rachel G. LaChapelle is the website administrator for Baby Strollers and also a stay-at-home mom for 14 years. Please visit her site for all sorts of discount baby items.

Does Educational Software Have a Place in Home Schooling?

Home school teachers may teach fewer students than public school teachers, but they face challenges in other ways. They must have a good command of most subjects and keep their classroom lively and rich. Educational software can help with this task by providing learning interaction, competition and even instruction in subjects that are more difficult to teach at home, like high school biology dissection.

The beauty of home school software and most types of educational software is that the programs are designed for students to use independently of each other. This means that you do not have to have a large group of students to use the program. Your competitive youngster can race against a computerized opponent or even his own best score using home school software games and activities.

Another benefit of home school software is that, unlike a workbook, it is not a consumable product. One advantage of software is that it can be used by subsequent students when they reach the appropriate age. This will permit you to stretch your home school supply budget.

Not all home school programs are in a game format and you will find many that provide more structured learning. For example, if you would rather not go through the mess of dissection in your home, consider purchasing a simulation program that allows the student to see real graphics of a dissection being performed. You can even couple this program with a few dissections of your own that are a little less messy. As students advance in grades, science software can be used to perform virtual labs or to supplement home school labs.

Home school software is a great way to reinforce concepts you are teaching your students. A typing program is a valuable tool to use to provide practice with typing exercises. You will find many math software programs available that help kids reinforce math skills in fun, challenging ways.

When your older students are ready to prepare for the ACT or another college entrance exam, consider purchasing test prep software. This will give your students the edge that other students may not have. It will also save you the expense of enrolling your child in an expensive SAT/ACT prep course. College entrance prep software provides practice questions, practice exams and answer explanations. It is highly individualized to the user's weaknesses and areas needing improvement. Rather than being constrained by a class schedule, your student can prepare for the exam on his or her own schedule.

One of the benefits of homeschooling is the chance you have to explore the subjects your children are the most interested in, while at the same time ensuring that the basic core concepts in all subjects are covered. For instance, if your children love to learn about the solar system, you can take the time to explore this subject to its fullest. Since software titles exist for many unique topics, home school software can be used to indulge the special learning interests of individual students. Computer programs are a fun, engaging way for children to explore their interests, and when your kids are interacting with the computer, you are freed to work on other areas of your home school, such as checking papers or working with your other children. Realizing the benefits that home school software can provide you and your student, you will want to include the purchase of home school software games in your budget!

Author Info:

From Algebra to Wildlife and everything in between, find software to supplement your home school classroom at All Educational

Free Online High Schools For Homeschoolers

The tide has turned in the last couple of years. For a very long time, I wrote many articles about online high schools, but few were free. That has most definitely changed and for the better. We now have Connections Academies, Insight Schools, Advanced Academics, and more that are available in many states. The Best Online High Schools website lists almost a hundred such schools.

However, just because it is free does not mean it is the perfect choice for you. Oh, and by the way, they are not really free because our tax dollars are paying for them. That being said, homeschoolers have unique needs, interests, and desires in terms of curriculum.

I encourage you to look at the following:

1. Does it offer a diploma? Free can be entire diploma programs and free can be one course. You need to determine which is being discussed. While both can be helpful, most of us would be looking for diploma programs.

2. Is it accredited? The ideal here is that the school has accreditation recognized by and/or the U.S. Department of Education. However, what is almost as good are online high school programs recognized by state departments of education. Both will get you into college.

3. How long has it been in business? Because online high schools are relatively new, it's unlikely that you will find one that has been operating for a decade. Claims otherwise are from schools that were correspondence efforts and then moved that online. Certainly that is acceptable. At the very least, it would be reasonable if the school has been in business for at least a couple of years and/or using curriculum that other established schools have used. One other possibility would be if the administration has significant online high school experience.

4. Is it homeschool friendly? While some schools actively seek homeschoolers, others have shown little interest in this group. Obviously, if you are a homeschooling family, this is important. Programs that reach out to homeschoolers understand that this is a way of life for you and not just about bad local schools.

5. Is it available to you? The free version of online high schools are very geographic-specific. In all cases, you need to live in a specific state, region, or school district. By the way, if you don't have one available to you know, I would contact one of the homeschool chains listed above and see when they are coming to location near you.

6. Does the curriculum reflect your beliefs? Even though these free online high schools are, by and large, public schools, some are certainly more friendly to faith-based students than others. Make sure you ask the right questions before you begin the program.

While homeschoolers need to do their due diligence, it is becoming increasingly possible to find a free online high school that meets their unique needs. Do your homework first, though, and choose wisely. While there are now many free schools, you may discover it is better to pay and have a school that works for you.

Author Info:

Thomas Nixon is the author of Complete Guide to Online High Schools. In it, he details how to earn a high school diploma online. The companion website,, is the premier source of information on online high schools. Tom regularly writes about free online high schools.